I'm trying to pull from multiple tables to insert into a table to create role assignments in moodle's database based on the categories that are created but I need it to update on duplicate key but I cant use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE because the fields im trying to match on role id, context id, and user id are not primary keys in the mdl_role_assignments table.
insert into vclassmoodle.mdl_role_assignments (roleid,contextid,userid,timemodified,modifierid,itemid,sortorder) select
mdl_role.id as roleid, mdl_context.id as contextid, mdl_user.id as userid, unix_timestamp() as timemodified, 3 as modifierid, 0 as itemid, 0 as sortorder
left join
mdl_course_categories ON mdl_context.instanceid = mdl_course_categories.id
left join
mdl_user ON mdl_course_categories.idnumber = mdl_user.idnumber
mdl_role ON mdl_role.shortname = 'manager'
where mdl_context.contextlevel = 40 and mdl_course_categories.depth > 1
Let me know if I need to clarify on anything