What would be the disadvantages (if any) of automating business process for a Enterprise/organization?
9 回答
- Loosing discretionary error checking, i.e. numbers that look out of line;
- Potentially, knowledge of how a process is operated could be lost if it is automated but not documented. More often than not, manual processes are passed on;
- Accountability for the process becomes muddled.
You lose some flexibility on unplanned situations. On a manual process, you can often "work around" the process when there is something you did not expect, but with automated processes, you cannot.
The money you need to spend to automate it.
Would depend upon the process, but the classic situation where automation fails is when the automated system decides badly or masks a problem.
Another might be where it becomes a maintenance issue. Humans adapt pretty well to fluctuations in the process flow, typically automated systems don't.
Again, its a fairly vague question so it is hard for me to talk specifics. Do you have a particular process you want to automate?
- It's always difficult to find a right tool for it.
- You may end up ordering a custom tool and it's risky. However an off-the-shelf tool might be as difficult to implement.
- It's very difficult to capture the business process right. Sometimes it's quite convoluted - especially in a big and old organisation. You may end up having 80% of cases automated and the other 20% being impossible to do at all
- It's an investment for which a ROI should be calculated carefully. Sometimes you are better off just not doing anything at all.
Saying that I was involved in the projects where the automation of the business process allowed 1 person to do the work of a small department and that department was able to spend their time on significantly increasing the company revenue
- 如果用户支持是自动的(并且不相关),客户可能会开始觉得您不关心他们。有些人想要个人支持而不是自动回复。
- 如果存在系统中的一组功能未涵盖的问题,并且因此而丢失数据。
- 如果没有人经常检查该系统仍然以正确的方式工作。
- 如果自动化系统没有经过足够的测试并且错误会导致巨大的损失(财务或声誉)。
- 如果出现其他问题(并且没有人可以修复它)。
根据我的经验,假设业务流程设计良好并正确实施,以下是 BPM 自动化业务流程的缺点:
- 对业务流程的更改将需要对 BPM 解决方案进行更改。
- 更改业务流程更加困难,因为您有需要迁移的历史数据,或者它迫使您使用次优工作。
- 业务流程可能会受到 BPM 平台维护的影响。
- 由于需要开发人员支持的 BPM 引擎错误,业务流程可能会在系统中丢失。
仅仅为了自动化而自动化业务流程是愚蠢的差事。并且可能会使您的业务付出很多代价(以您可以想象的各种方式 - 财务影响、业务中断、新技术问题、士气等......)。
- 花了很多钱(没有必要以某种方式将其收回)
- 需要很长时间才能实施(使用在其他地方会更好地使用的资源)
- 使过程更脆弱(失去灵活性/适应性)
- 发现当前流程中的次要问题,并使其不成比例
- 如果忽略过程中的某些内容,则会产生错误
- 使你的员工士气低落
人员流失-自动化可以很好地工作,以至于您需要更少的工人。低质量输出的损失——自动化可以提供可预测的结果。缺乏朝九晚五的工作——自动化软件 Dan 可以随时运行。我已经建立了每三个小时运行一次的例程,并且已经运行了多年。失去不满意的客户——正确完成自动化后,质量和收益都会提高。我创建了一个自动化的电子邮件程序,它可以准确地提醒我们的员工我们在发薪日存入他们银行账户的金额。这很容易做到,因为我刚刚自动创建了需要上传到我们背后的文本文件来支付他们已经有所需的数字。