我要做的是将该表情符号(电话图标)作为两个 \u 字符转义,然后返回其原始电话图标?下面的第一种方法可以正常工作,但我本质上想逃避一个范围,这样我就可以逃避任何这样的字符。我不知道使用下面的第一种方法怎么可能。
如何使用 UnicodeEscaper 作为与 StringEscapeUtils 相同的输出来实现这个基于范围的转义(即转义到两个 \uxx \uxx 然后转义回电话图标)?
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.UnicodeEscaper;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.UnicodeUnescaper;
String text = "Unicode surrogate here-> <--here";
// escape the entire string...not what I want because there could
// be \n \r or any other escape chars that I want left in tact (i just want a range)
String text2 = org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(text);
System.out.println(text2); // "Unicode surrogate here-> \uD83D\uDCF1<--here"
// unescape it back to the phone emoticon
text2 = org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(text);
System.out.println(text2); // "Unicode surrogate here-> <--here"
// How do I do the same as above but but looking for a range of chars to escape (i.e. any unicode surrogate)
// , which is what i want and not to escape the entire string
text2 = UnicodeEscaper.between(0x10000, 0x10FFFF).translate(text);
System.out.println(text2); // "Unicode surrogate here-> \u1F4F1<--here"
// unescape .... (need the phone emoticon here)
text2 = (new UnicodeUnescaper().translate(text2));
System.out.println(text2);// "Unicode surrogate here-> 1<--here"