it is the first time I ask for something so sorry if I'm not enough precise!

I tried to upload my rails app on heroku using enabling the user-env-compile to manage my secret keys but I have an error "No such feature: user-env-compile".

I checked on Heroku devcenter and seems that user-env-compile has been deprecated and replaced by the ENV_DIR argument.

Here the link: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/labs-user-env-compile

I cant really get what to do! can someone explain better to me what I'm supposed to do?

thank you,



1 回答 1


您不必做任何事情(实验室已弃用,您应该将其删除),默认情况下,现在 heroku 在 slug 编译期间导出您的环境变量。

请注意,在 slug 编译期间不建议使用环境变量(您可以查看http://12factor.net/了解更多信息)


于 2014-04-07T10:19:54.730 回答