我需要在 0(包括)到 n(不包括)范围内生成任意大的随机整数。我最初的想法是调用nextDouble并乘以 n,但是一旦 n 大于 2 53,结果将不再均匀分布。


public BigInteger(int numBits, Random rnd)

构造一个随机生成的 BigInteger,均匀分布在 0 到 (2 numBits - 1) 的范围内,包括 0 到 (2 numBits - 1)。

如何使用它来获得 0 - n 范围内的随机值,其中 n 不是 2 的幂?


9 回答 9



BigInteger randomNumber;
do {
    randomNumber = new BigInteger(upperLimit.bitLength(), randomSource);
} while (randomNumber.compareTo(upperLimit) >= 0);


编辑:如果您的 RNG 很昂贵,您可以通过以下方式限制迭代次数:

int nlen = upperLimit.bitLength();
BigInteger nm1 = upperLimit.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
BigInteger randomNumber, temp;
do {
    temp = new BigInteger(nlen + 100, randomSource);
    randomNumber = temp.mod(upperLimit);
} while (s.subtract(randomNumber).add(nm1).bitLength() >= nlen + 100);
// result is in 'randomNumber'


于 2010-02-18T16:13:33.060 回答

以下方法使用BigInteger(int numBits, Random rnd)构造函数,如果结果大于指定的 n,则拒绝结果。

public BigInteger nextRandomBigInteger(BigInteger n) {
    Random rand = new Random();
    BigInteger result = new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), rand);
    while( result.compareTo(n) >= 0 ) {
        result = new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), rand);
    return result;

这样做的缺点是构造函数被调用的次数未指定,但在最坏的情况下(n 仅略大于 2 的幂),对构造函数的预期调用次数应该只有大约 2 次。

于 2010-02-18T16:14:03.887 回答

最简单的方法(通过相当长的方式)是使用指定的构造函数生成一个具有正确位数 ( floor(log2 n) + 1) 的随机数,然后如果它大于 n 则将其丢弃。在最坏的情况下(例如 [0, 2 n + 1 范围内的数字),平均而言,您将丢弃不到一半的值。

于 2010-02-18T16:12:02.220 回答

为什么不构建一个随机的 BigInteger,然后从中构建一个 BigDecimal 呢?BigDecimal 中有一个构造函数:public BigDecimal(BigInteger unscaledVal, int scale)这在这里似乎相关,不是吗?给它一个随机的 BigInteger 和一个随机的刻度 int,你就会有一个随机的 BigDecimal。不 ?

于 2010-02-18T16:31:08.660 回答

以下是我在名为 Generic_BigInteger 的类中的操作方法,可通过以下方式获得: Andy Turner's Generic Source Code Web Page

 * There are methods to get large random numbers. Indeed, there is a
 * constructor for BigDecimal that allows for this, but only for uniform
 * distributions over a binary power range.
 * @param a_Random
 * @param upperLimit
 * @return a random integer as a BigInteger between 0 and upperLimit
 * inclusive
public static BigInteger getRandom(
        Generic_Number a_Generic_Number,
        BigInteger upperLimit) {
    // Special cases
    if (upperLimit.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0) {
        return BigInteger.ZERO;
    String upperLimit_String = upperLimit.toString();
    int upperLimitStringLength = upperLimit_String.length();
    Random[] random = a_Generic_Number.get_RandomArrayMinLength(
    if (upperLimit.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) {
        if (random[0].nextBoolean()) {
            return BigInteger.ONE;
        } else {
            return BigInteger.ZERO;
    int startIndex = 0;
    int endIndex = 1;
    String result_String = "";
    int digit;
    int upperLimitDigit;
    int i;
    // Take care not to assign any digit that will result in a number larger
    // upperLimit
    for (i = 0; i < upperLimitStringLength; i ++){
        upperLimitDigit = new Integer(
        startIndex ++;
        endIndex ++;
        digit = random[i].nextInt(upperLimitDigit + 1);
        if (digit != upperLimitDigit){
        result_String += digit;
    // Once something smaller than upperLimit guaranteed, assign any digit
    // between zero and nine inclusive
    for (i = i + 1; i < upperLimitStringLength; i ++) {
        digit = random[i].nextInt(10);
        result_String += digit;
    // Tidy values starting with zero(s)
    while (result_String.startsWith("0")) {
        if (result_String.length() > 1) {
            result_String = result_String.substring(1);
        } else {
    BigInteger result = new BigInteger(result_String);
    return result;
于 2011-02-17T10:50:47.723 回答


private static BigInteger RandomBigInteger(BigInteger rangeStart, BigInteger rangeEnd){
    Random rand = new Random();
    int scale = rangeEnd.toString().length();
    String generated = "";
    for(int i = 0; i < rangeEnd.toString().length(); i++){
        generated += rand.nextInt(10);
    BigDecimal inputRangeStart = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
    BigDecimal inputRangeEnd = new BigDecimal(String.format("%0" + (rangeEnd.toString().length()) +  "d", 0).replace('0', '9')).setScale(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
    BigDecimal outputRangeStart = new BigDecimal(rangeStart).setScale(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
    BigDecimal outputRangeEnd = new BigDecimal(rangeEnd).add(new BigDecimal("1")).setScale(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR); //Adds one to the output range to correct rounding
    //Calculates: (generated - inputRangeStart) / (inputRangeEnd - inputRangeStart) * (outputRangeEnd - outputRangeStart) + outputRangeStart 
    BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(generated)).setScale(scale, RoundingMode.FLOOR).subtract(inputRangeStart);
    BigDecimal bd2 = inputRangeEnd.subtract(inputRangeStart);
    BigDecimal bd3 = bd1.divide(bd2, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
    BigDecimal bd4 = outputRangeEnd.subtract(outputRangeStart);  
    BigDecimal bd5 = bd3.multiply(bd4);      
    BigDecimal bd6 = bd5.add(outputRangeStart);
    BigInteger returnInteger = bd6.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR).toBigInteger();
    returnInteger = (returnInteger.compareTo(rangeEnd) > 0 ? rangeEnd : returnInteger); //Converts number to the end of output range if it's over it. This is to correct rounding.
    return returnInteger;


首先,它生成一个带有与最大范围相同长度的随机数的字符串。例如:给定范围为 10-1000 时,它将生成 0000 到 9999 之间的某个数字作为String

然后它创建BigDecimals来表示最大可能值(在前面的示例中为 9999)和最小值 (0),并将范围参数BigIntegers转换为BigDecimals。同样在此步骤中,给定范围的最大值加 1,以便在下一步中纠正舍入误差。


(generated - inputRangeStart) / (inputRangeEnd - inputRangeStart) * (outputRangeEnd - outputRangeStart) + outputRangeStart


于 2022-01-06T12:41:05.420 回答


new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), new SecureRandom()).mod(n)
于 2017-10-30T14:32:11.177 回答

如果我们想生成随机的 70 位 biginteger,我们可以生成 byte[70] 数组并用 0 到 9 的随机数填充它并添加 48 以生成数字字符并将数字字符转换为 biginteger

public BigInteger RandomBigInteger(int digits_len) {
    Random rnd = new Random();
    byte[]num = new byte[digits_len];
    if(digits_len>1){//first digit must not be 0 because 0555 will be 555
        num[0]=(byte)((((int)(rnd.nextFloat()*10))%9)+1+48);//([*10 means] rnd 0-9),([%9 means] 0-8 , [+1 means] 1-9) ,([+48 means] 0->48,1->49)
        for(int i=1;i<num.length;i++){ num[i]=(byte)((((int)(rnd.nextFloat()*10))%10)+48); }//([*10 means] rnd 0-9),([%10 means] 0-9 because rnd may be 1.000*10=10) ,([+48 means] 0->48,1->49)
    }else{//digits_len = 1 , it can be 0-9
        num[0]=(byte)((((int)(rnd.nextFloat()*10))%10)+48);//([*10 means] rnd 0-9),([%10 means] 0-9 because rnd may be 1.000*10=10) ,([+48 means] 0->48,1->49)
    return new BigInteger(new String(num,StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1),10);//convert the digit chars to biginteger

BigInteger num = RandomBigInteger(5);//num = 12345
于 2020-05-18T18:47:23.433 回答

将此 F# 代码编译为 DLL,您也可以在 C# / VB.NET 程序中引用它

type BigIntegerRandom() =
    static let internalRandom = new Random()

    /// Returns a BigInteger random number of the specified number of bytes.
    static member RandomBigInteger(numBytes:int, rand:Random) =
        let r = if rand=null then internalRandom else rand
        let bytes : byte[] = Array.zeroCreate (numBytes+1)
        bytes.[numBytes] <- 0uy
        bigint bytes

    /// Returns a BigInteger random number from 0 (inclusive) to max (exclusive).
    static member RandomBigInteger(max:bigint, rand:Random) =
        let rec getNumBytesInRange num bytes = if max < num then bytes else getNumBytesInRange (num * 256I) bytes+1
        let bytesNeeded = getNumBytesInRange 256I 1
        BigIntegerRandom.RandomBigInteger(bytesNeeded, rand) % max

    /// Returns a BigInteger random number from min (inclusive) to max (exclusive).
    static member RandomBigInteger(min:bigint, max:bigint, rand:Random) =
        BigIntegerRandom.RandomBigInteger(max - min, rand) + min
于 2010-04-23T23:57:33.820 回答