我试图以一种通用的方式用改进来包装函数,这样就可以在没有改进的情况下调用它们。例如,ARRAY-INITIAL size value而不是ARRAY/INITIAL size value

wrap: function [refined [path!] args [block!]] [
    function args compose [
        (refined) (args)

array-initial wrap 'array/initial [size value]


>> n: 0 array/initial 4 does [++ n] 
== [10 11 12 13]

>> n: 10 array-initial 4 does [++ n]
== [10 10 10 10]


>> source array-initial 
array-initial: make function! [[size value][array/initial size value]]

好的,所以发生的事情是函数在包装器中被调用并且调用的结果被传递......而不是函数。一种解决方法是使用 get-word 来避免评估:

>> array-initial-2: function [size value] [array/initial size :value]

>> array-initial-2: 10 array-initial-2 4 does [++ n]
[10 11 12 13]



3 回答 3



wrap: func [
    'refined [path!]
    args [block!]
    func map-each arg args [
        either get-word? :arg [to word! arg] [:arg]
    ] compose [
        (refined) (
            map-each arg args [
                either lit-word? :arg [to get-word! arg] [:arg]

这里有两个问题——定义函数的词和传递给函数的词。前者有两种主要形式:字!对于正常的论点和点燃的词!对于文字参数。在我们的规范中,如果我们有get-word!参数,我们希望它们是普通参数并转换为单词!. 当涉及到传递参数时,我们同样有两种形式:单词!评估论点和获取词!传递单词指向的值。如果我们的规范处理一个字!,我们需要传递一个get-word!一句话将按字面意思传递。



wrapped-foobar: wrap foo/bar ['literal evaluated :referred]

我们有我们的三种类型,第一种允许您通过字面传递值——例如不使用 lit-words 的单词;第二个在传递之前评估参数;第三个将传递引用的值——这种形式允许你传递函数。你最终得到:

make function! [
    ['literal evaluated referred] [
        foo/bar :literal evaluated :referred


array-initial: wrap array/initial [size :value]
n: 1
array-initial 4 does [++ n]
于 2014-04-06T11:43:02.057 回答


事实证明,您实际上需要一个“do reduce”来包装带有 get-word 参数的函数......

目前只有 R3:

unrefine: func [
  "Return an equivalent function with the given refinements wired in."
  refined [any-path! block!] "The function, with the refinements to include."
  /local ospec spec body found p s w b r
] [
  ospec: spec-of get first refined: to lit-path! :refined
  body: append copy spec: make block! length? ospec copy/deep [do reduce []]
  append/only body/3 :refined
  parse ospec [
    set s 0 1 string! (all [s append spec s])
    any [
      set w [word! | get-word! | lit-word!] (
        append spec :w
        append body/3 either word! = type? :w [reduce ['quote to get-word! w]][w])
      set b 0 1 block! (
        all [b append/only spec copy b])
      set s 0 1 string! (
        all [s append spec copy s])
      /local to end
      set r refinement! (
        p: any [p tail spec]
        if not found: find next refined r [append spec r])
      set s 0 1 string! (all [not found s append spec copy s])
      any [
        set w [word! | get-word! | lit-word!] (
          either found [p: insert p :w][append spec :w]
          append body/3 either word! = type? :w [reduce ['quote to get-word! w]][w])
        set b 0 1 block! (
          all [b either found [p: insert/only p copy b][append/only spec copy b]])
        set s 0 1 string! (
          all [s either found [p: insert p copy s][append spec copy s]])
  func spec body
于 2015-01-24T15:02:55.797 回答


如果函数使用参数的 lit-word 形式或 get-word 形式,则该区别必须反映在您的包装器中。:foo有关参数的和'foo形式之间的区别的解释,请参见此答案:

为什么 Rebol 3 不尊重带括号的引用函数参数?

根据@rgchris 的评论,您(又名我)需要做的是解析参数 block。正确的答案将包含执行此操作的代码,因此人们应该随意添加。

于 2014-04-30T07:21:01.213 回答