我没有在端口 8091 的 couchbase 管理 UI 中找到存储桶的刷新按钮。可能是因为这个http://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/MB-5351

然后我看到了这个如何删除存储桶中的所有项目?所以我想在 python 客户端中进行刷新。

import sys
from couchbase import Couchbase
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseError
    client = Couchbase.connect(bucket='production',host='localhost',port=8091)
except CouchbaseError as e:
    print " Sorry , we could not create connection to bucket specified , due to " , e
else :
    print "Successfully made the connection to bucket "

在这里客户端我没有找到刷新的方法。我在 IDE 中尝试了智能感知。

请指导我通过 python 客户端刷新存储桶。


1 回答 1


看来 couchbase python SDK 目前不提供 flush() 方法。但是由于 flush 方法是通过 couchbase REST API 提供的,因此您可以使用它来刷新您的存储桶。

参考:Couchbase REST API、Bucket API - http://docs.couchbase.com/admin/admin/REST/rest-bucket-intro.html

python SDK 提供了一个Admin对象,您可以使用该对象通过其http_request方法使用 REST 执行您的管理员任务。源代码:https ://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-python-client/blob/master/couchbase/admin.py

Admin 类的描述(来自源代码):

到 Couchbase 集群的管理连接。

With this object, you can do things which affect the cluster, such as
modifying buckets, allocating nodes, or retrieving information about
the cluster.

This object should **not** be used to perform Key/Value operations. The
:class:`couchbase.bucket.Bucket` is used for that.

Admin.http_request 方法描述(来自源代码):

    Perform an administrative HTTP request. This request is sent out to
    the administrative API interface (i.e. the "Management/REST API")
    of the cluster.

    See <LINK?> for a list of available comments.

    Note that this is a fairly low level function. This class will with
    time contain more and more wrapper methods for common tasks such
    as bucket creation or node allocation, and this method should
    mostly be used if a wrapper is not available.



我为示例创建了一个名为“default”的测试存储桶,并在存储桶中创建了 2 个文档。

import sys
from couchbase import Couchbase
from couchbase.exceptions import CouchbaseError

#import Admin module
from couchbase.admin import Admin

#make an administrative connection using Admin object
    admin = Admin(username='Administrator',password='password',host='localhost',port=8091)
except CouchbaseError as e:
    print " Sorry , we could not create admin connection , due to " , e
else :
    print "Successfully made an admin connection "

#retrieve bucket information for bucket named "default" 
#   "default" is just the name of the bucket I set up for trying this out
    htres = admin.http_request("/pools/default/buckets/default")
except Exception as e:
    print "ERROR: ", e

#print the current number of items in the "default" bucket
#   "default" is just the name of the bucket I set up for trying this out
print "# of items before flush: ", htres.value['basicStats']['itemCount']

#flush bucket
    #the bucket information request returned the path to the REST flush method for this bucket
    #   the flush method requires a POST request
    htres = admin.http_request(htres.value['controllers']['flush'],"POST")
except Exception as e:
    print "ERROR: ", e

#re-retrieve bucket information for bucket named "default" 
    htres = admin.http_request("/pools/default/buckets/default")
except Exception as e:
    print "ERROR: ", e

#print the number of items in the "default" bucket (after flush)
print "# of items after flush: ", htres.value['basicStats']['itemCount']


Successfully made an admin connection 
# of items before flush:  2
# of items after flush:  0
于 2015-01-10T20:31:26.367 回答