
对不起,如果标题有点混乱或模糊。对我的问题进行互联网搜索非常困难,因为我的问题似乎没有分解为可搜索的术语。另外,这是我在 Stackoverflow 上的第一篇文章,如果我超出了发布问题的常规,请多多包涵,我会尽我所能在格式化方面做到最好。


我是一所大学的学生,正在完成老师给我的任务。我们正在为向量创建一个类(即数学方面的向量,而不是数据类型向量)。这个类将是一个类模板,有两种不同的模板化数据类型,一种用于向量的 x 分量,另一种用于向量的 y 分量。这是一个简单的类,该类返回向量的大小和方向(以弧度为单位)。还有重载的输入和输出运算符作为友元函数,以及几个构造函数。我不使用动态内存,所以我们可以把整罐蠕虫放在一边。


Vector2D<int, int> vec1(); //Default Constructor
cin  >> vec1;
cout << "\nVector 1 = " << vec1 << "\n\tDirection: " << vec1.direction()
     << "\tMagnitude: " << vec1.magnitude() << "\n\n";

我的问题是,我无法进行 cin,也无法输出方向()和幅度()。编译器给了我一个很长的错误,但基本上说

错误 C2678:二进制“>>”:未找到采用“std::istream”类型左侧操作数的运算符(或没有可接受的转换)


Vector2D<int, int> vec1(0,0); //No longer the default constructor
cin  >> vec1;
cout << "\nVector 1 = " << vec1 << "\n\tDirection: " << vec1.direction()
     << "\tMagnitude: " << vec1.magnitude() << "\n\n";

世人皆大欢喜。因此,我的问题很简单,我该如何解决这个问题?我想在使用默认构造函数实例化后使用 cin,并且我想输出方向()和幅度()。考虑到我已经完成了所有的标题声明和其他所有事情,而且我编写课程的方式是错误的——这里是:


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>    //for sqrt function to get the magnitude and atan for radians.

using namespace std;

template <class T, class S>
class Vector2D
    T m_xComp;
    S m_yComp;
    static int signif_digit; //Becomes the argument for setPrecision(x) on output.
    static int signif_digits;
    Vector2D(): m_xComp((T)0), (S)m_yComp((S)0) {};
    Vector2D(T xComp, S yComp);
    void setX(T xComp);
    void setY(S yComp);
    T getX();
    S getY();
    double magnitude();
    double direction(); //returns direction of vector in radians.
    static void setPrecision(int prec);
    static int precision();
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Vector2D<T,S>& vec)
    { //A good thing to figure out: Why did I have to declare friend functions in line?
        os  << '<' << vec.m_xComp << ',' << vec.m_yComp << '>';
        return os;

    friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Vector2D<T,S>& vec)
    { //A good thing to figure out: Why did I have to declare friend functions in line?
        char remove_Char;
        T xComp = 0;
        S yComp = 0;
        is >> remove_Char >> xComp >> remove_Char >> yComp;
        vec.m_xComp = xComp;
        vec.m_yComp = yComp;
        return is;

template <class T, class S>
Vector2D<T, S>::Vector2D(T xComp, S yComp)
    m_xComp = xComp;
    m_yComp = yComp;

template <class T, class S>
void Vector2D<T, S>::setPrecision(int prec)
    signif_digit = prec;

template <class T, class S>
int Vector2D<T, S>::precision()
{   return signif_digit;    }

template <class T, class S>
void Vector2D<T, S>::setX(T xComp)
{   m_xComp = xComp;    }

template <class T, class S>
void Vector2D<T, S>::setY(S yComp)
{   m_yComp = yComp;    }

template <class T, class S>
T Vector2D<T, S>::getX()
{   return m_xComp;     }

template <class T, class S>
S Vector2D<T, S>::getY()
{   return m_yComp;     }

template <class T, class S>
double Vector2D<T, S>::magnitude()
    return sqrt( (double)(m_xComp*m_xComp + m_yComp*m_yComp) );

//------------------------Consider using atan2 next time-------------------------------------
template <class T, class S>
double Vector2D<T, S>::direction()
    if (m_xComp == 0)
        if(m_yComp == 0)
            cout << "\nNote: Both x and y components equal zero.\n";
            return 0;
        else if (m_yComp > 0)
            return atan(1.0)*2; //If y > 0 and x = 0, return PI/2
        else if (m_yComp < 0)
            return atan(1.0)*6; //If y < 0 and x = 0, return 3*PI/2
    else if (m_xComp > 0)
        if (m_yComp >= 0)
            return atan((double)(m_yComp/m_xComp)); //First Quadrant
            return (atan(1.0)*8 + atan((double)(m_yComp/m_xComp)) ); //Fourth Quadrant
        return (atan(1.0)*4 + atan((double)(m_yComp/m_xComp)) ); //Second & Third Quadrant

template <class T, class S>
int Vector2D<T, S>::signif_digit = 3;   //private

template <class T, class S>
int Vector2D<T, S>::signif_digits = 3;  //public




1 回答 1


在评论中,dyp 回答了我的问题。就这么简单。只是,我试图实例化 MyVector 类,就像我声明一个函数一样。


Vector2D<int, int> vec1();


Vector2D<int, int> vec1;


于 2014-04-05T05:58:32.737 回答