此崩溃发生在几个小时的执行后。我使用 gdb 运行它,它告诉我它在哪一行代码中崩溃了。Gdb 告诉我该程序在以下行有一个浮点异常段错误:
height ,
(*itCand)->_sumAreaMask / (*itCand)->_nTimesAlive,
(*itCand)->_sumAreaEdges / (*itCand)->_nTimesAlive,
(*itCand)->_sumHeight / (*itCand)->_nTimesAlive ,
此函数将数据分配给对象。参数 sumAreaFilled、sumAreaEdges 和 height 是增量参数,在执行过程中每秒都在增加,因此它们是 unsigned long long 类型,以避免任何内存问题。
参数 nTimesAlive 初始化为 1,并且每帧也不断递增,因此它永远不会为零。
class CandidateObject
CandidateObject(const cv::Point centroid, const cv::Rect bboxNormal);
void setCandidateObjectData(const cv::Point centroid, const cv::Point toSendCentroid, const cv::Rect bboxNormal,
const unsigned long long sumAreaMask, const unsigned long long sumAreaEdges, const unsigned long long sumHeight,
const double meanAreaMask, const double meanAreaEdges, const double meanHeight, const double instantEdgeArea, const double height,
const double maxHeight, const bool isToDelete, const bool isDuplicate, const bool isBeingDoubleChecked, const bool isMatched,
const bool hasChangedPosition);
cv::Point _centroid; //-- blob centroid
cv::Point _toSendCentroid; //-- blob centroid to send to the conversion function
cv::Rect _bboxNormal; //-- normal bounding box
unsigned long long _sumAreaMask; //-- pixel sum on object bounding box mask
unsigned long long _sumAreaEdges; //-- pixel sum on edge
unsigned long long _sumHeight; //-- sum of height instances
double _meanAreaMask; //-- mean of total instances of object area in bounding box mask
double _meanEdgeAreaMask; //-- mean of total instances of object area in the edge bounding box mask
double _meanHeight; //-- mean of total instances of object height
double _instantEdgeArea; //-- Area of edges that correspond to a certain object
unsigned short _nTimesAlive; //-- number of times blob appears
bool _isToDelete; //-- flag that indicates if candidate object is no longer valid and to be deleted from vector
bool _isDuplicate; //-- indicates if same object is detected multiple times
bool _isBeingDoubleChecked; //-- indicates if object is being double checked after first matching fails
bool _isMatched; //-- indicates if object has already been matched, in order to avoid unnecessary processing
bool _hasChangedPosition; //-- indicates if the object has changed its position significantly
double _height; //-- object height
double _maxHeight; //-- max height
unsigned int _label;
void CandidateObject::setCandidateObjectData(const cv::Point centroid, const cv::Point toSendCentroid, const cv::Rect bboxNormal,
const unsigned long long sumAreaMask, const unsigned long long sumAreaEdges, const unsigned long long sumHeight,
const double meanAreaMask, const double meanAreaEdges, const double meanHeight, const double instantEdgeArea, const double height,
const double maxHeight, const bool isToDelete, const bool isDuplicate, const bool isBeingDoubleChecked, const bool isMatched, const bool hasChangedPosition)
_centroid = centroid;
_toSendCentroid = toSendCentroid;
_bboxNormal = bboxNormal;
_sumAreaMask += sumAreaMask;
_sumAreaEdges += sumAreaEdges;
_sumHeight += sumHeight;
_meanAreaMask = meanAreaMask;
_meanEdgeAreaMask = meanAreaEdges;
_meanHeight = meanHeight;
_instantEdgeArea = instantEdgeArea;
_isToDelete = isToDelete;
_isDuplicate = isDuplicate;
_isBeingDoubleChecked = isBeingDoubleChecked;
_isMatched = isMatched;
_height = height;
_maxHeight = maxHeight;
_hasChangedPosition = hasChangedPosition;