
class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    ord :: g -> Int

给定一个 sum 类型的 nullary 构造函数,

data T3 = A | B | C deriving (Generic, Show)


instance Cyclic T3 where
    gen   = A
    rot A = B
    rot B = C
    rot C = A
    ord _ = 3


{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}

import GHC.Generics

class GCyclic f where
    ggen :: f a
    grot :: f a -> f a
    gord :: f a -> Int

instance GCyclic U1 where
    ggen   = U1
    grot _ = U1
    gord _ = 1

instance Cyclic c => GCyclic (K1 i c) where
    ggen = K1 gen
    grot (K1 a) = K1 (rot a)
    gord (K1 a) = ord a

instance GCyclic f => GCyclic (M1 i c f) where
    ggen = M1 ggen
    grot (M1 a) = M1 (grot a)
    gord (M1 a) = gord a    

instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :*: g) where
    ggen = ggen :*: ggen
    grot (a :*: b) = grot a :*: grot b
    gord (a :*: b) = gord a `lcm` gord b

instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :+: g) where
    ggen = L1 ggen
    -- grot is incorrect
    grot (L1 a) = L1 (grot a) 
    grot (R1 b) = R1 (grot b)
    gord _ = gord (undefined :: f a)
           + gord (undefined :: g b)


class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    ord :: g -> Int

    default gen :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g
    gen = to ggen

    default rot :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> g
    rot = to . grot . from

    default ord :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> Int
    ord = gord . from


λ. map rot [A, B, C] -- == [B, C, A]
[A, B, C]

很清楚为什么rot等同于id这里。grot向下递归 的(:+:)结构,T3直到遇到基本情况grot U1 = U1


是否可以生成所需的CyclicusingGHC.Generics或其他形式的 Scrap Your Boilerplate 实例?


class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    ord :: g -> Int

    default gen :: Bounded g => g
    gen = minBound

    default rot :: (Bounded g, Enum g, Eq g) => g -> g
    rot g | g == maxBound = minBound
          | otherwise     = succ g

    default ord :: (Bounded g, Enum g) => g -> Int
    ord g = 1 + fromEnum (maxBound `asTypeOf` g)

但是(原样)这是不令人满意的,因为它需要所有Bounded,EnumEq. 此外,Enum在某些情况下,GHC 无法自动导出,而更健壮的Generic可以。


1 回答 1



如果你能知道里面的内容已经在最后一个构造函数中,你就可以知道什么时候去到构造函数之和的另一边,这就是 newendgend functions 所做的。我无法想象一个我们无法定义的循环组end


import Data.Proxy

这是Cyclic具有end、 默认值和Integral n(而不是假设Int)的类ord

class Cyclic g where
    gen :: g
    rot :: g -> g
    end :: g -> Bool
    ord :: Integral n => Proxy g -> n

    default gen :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g
    gen = to ggen

    default rot :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> g
    rot = to . grot . from

    default end :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g)) => g -> Bool
    end = gend . from

    default ord :: (Generic g, GCyclic (Rep g), Integral n) => Proxy g -> n
    ord = gord . fmap from


class GCyclic f where
    ggen :: f a
    gend :: f a -> Bool
    grot :: f a -> f a
    gord :: Integral n => Proxy (f ()) -> n

instance GCyclic U1 where
    ggen   = U1
    grot _ = U1
    gend _ = True
    gord _ = 1

instance Cyclic c => GCyclic (K1 i c) where
    ggen        = K1 gen
    grot (K1 a) = K1 (rot a)
    gend (K1 a) = end a
    gord  _     = ord (Proxy :: Proxy c)

instance GCyclic f => GCyclic (M1 i c f) where
    ggen        = M1    ggen
    grot (M1 a) = M1   (grot a)
    gend (M1 a) = gend  a
    gord  _     = gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ()))


-- The product of two cyclic groups is a cyclic group iff their orders are coprime, so this shouldn't really work
instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :*: g) where
    ggen           = ggen                          :*:  ggen
    grot (a :*: b) = grot  a                       :*:  grot  b
    gend (a :*: b) = gend  a                       &&   (any gend . take (gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ())) `gcd` gord (Proxy :: Proxy (g ()))) . iterate grot) b
    gord  _        = gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ())) `lcm` gord (Proxy :: Proxy (g ()))

instance (GCyclic f, GCyclic g) => GCyclic (f :+: g) where
    ggen        = L1 ggen
    grot (L1 a) = if gend a
                  then R1 (ggen)
                  else L1 (grot a)
    grot (R1 b) = if gend b
                  then L1 (ggen)
                  else R1 (grot b)
    gend (L1 _) = False
    gend (R1 b) = gend b
    gord  _     = gord (Proxy :: Proxy (f ())) + gord (Proxy :: Proxy (g ()))


-- Perfectly fine instances
instance Cyclic ()
instance Cyclic Bool
instance (Cyclic a, Cyclic b) => Cyclic (Either a b)

-- Not actually possible (the product of two arbitrary cycles is a cyclic group iff they are coprime)
instance (Cyclic a, Cyclic b) => Cyclic (a, b)

-- Doesn't have a finite order, doesn't seem to be a prime transfinite number.
-- instance (Cyclic a) => Cyclic [a]


typeOf :: a -> Proxy a
typeOf _ = Proxy

generate :: (Cyclic g) => Proxy g -> [g]
generate _ = go gen
        go g = if end g
               then [g]
               else g : go (rot g)

main = do
    print . generate . typeOf $ A
    print . map rot . generate . typeOf $ A
    putStrLn []

    print . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either T3 Bool))
    print . map rot . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either T3 Bool))
    putStrLn []

    print . generate . typeOf $ (A, False)
    print . map rot . generate . typeOf $ (A, False)
    putStrLn []

    print . generate . typeOf $ (False, False)
    print . map rot . generate . typeOf $ (False, False)
    print . take 4 . iterate rot $ (False, True)
    putStrLn []

    print . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either () (Bool, Bool)))
    print . map rot . generate $ (Proxy :: Proxy (Either () (Bool, Bool)))
    print . take 8 . iterate rot $ (Right (False,True) :: Either () (Bool, Bool))
    putStrLn []


于 2014-04-04T00:36:10.327 回答