我正在为我遇到的问题寻求帮助。我在一个文件夹中有多个文本文件。该文件夹中可以包含“无限”数量的文本文件,尽管通常有 2-150 个文件 http://gyazo.com/5f314d1ca374abf9f813914609dd931d(此 + 下面的图像,由于缺乏声誉而无法嵌入)

然后,每个文件在其中包含“无限”(尽管通常为 0-20 行)数量的数据。第 1 行是“测试编号”,第 2 行是“测试结果”——如上图所示

我的数据网格视图中有 3 列(用户名、测试编号、测试结果) - 如上图所示

在下面运行我的代码时;添加到数据网格视图的第一条记录完美运行,但第二条(或第一条之后的任何记录)出现错误:http: //gyazo.com/0d492b97d918853e62c55ee314f3f181(图像)或错误消息:

“System.InvalidOperationException:集合已经属于 DataGridView 控件。此操作不再有效。在 System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellCollection.Add(DataGridViewCelldataGridViewCell) 在 SpellingBee.TeacherMultiResults.TeacherMultiResults_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)”

此错误发生在DGVRow.Cells.Add(DGVCell) 'add cell to row


我该如何解决这个错误?我正在使用 VB.net (Visual Studios 2013)



Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO

Public Class TeacherMultiResults

    Dim AmountOfFiles
    Dim LineCount As Integer = 0
    Dim FileName As IO.FileInfo
    Dim DGVRow As New DataGridViewRow
    Dim DGVCell As DataGridViewCell
    Dim Username As String = ""
    Dim TestNumber As Integer = 0
    Dim TestResult As Integer = 0

    Private Sub TeacherMultiResults_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Dim directory As New IO.DirectoryInfo(LoadForm.CurrentDirectory & "\UserResults\") 'selects directory
        Dim FileNames As IO.FileInfo() = directory.GetFiles()
        Dim Files As IO.FileInfo

        For Each Files In FileNames 'list the names of all files in the specified directory
            Username = Files.ToString
            Username = (Username.Substring(0, Username.Length - 4)) 'removes the .txt from the name

                LineCount = File.ReadAllLines(LoadForm.CurrentDirectory & "\UserResults\" & Username & ".txt").Length 'amount of lines in file
                If LineCount > 1 Then
                    Dim Information As New System.IO.StreamReader(LoadForm.CurrentDirectory & "\UserResults\" & Username & ".txt") 'opens file
                    LineCount = LineCount / 2 'halfs line count
                    For i = 0 To LineCount - 1
                        TestNumber = Information.ReadLine() 'reads line to variable
                        TestResult = Information.ReadLine() 'reads line to variable
                        i = i + 1 'adds one to i

                        DGVCell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell 'create a new DGV text box cell
                        DGVCell.Value = Username 'add value to DGV text box cell
                        DGVRow.Cells.Add(DGVCell) 'add cell to row

                        DGVCell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell 'create a new DGV text box cell
                        DGVCell.Value = TestNumber 'add value to DGV text box cell
                        DGVRow.Cells.Add(DGVCell) 'add cell to row

                        DGVCell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell 'create a new DGV text box cell
                        DGVCell.Value = TestResult 'add value to DGV text box cell
                        DGVRow.Cells.Add(DGVCell) 'add cell to row

                        DGV_MultiResults.Rows.Add(DGVRow) 'add row to DGV

                    Information.Close() 'Close read
                End If

            Catch ex As Exception 'if file won't read
                MsgBox(ex.ToString) 'show error
                Exit Try
            End Try 'end of try

        Next 'end of files

    End Sub




1 回答 1


使用 DataGridView 时,通常更容易构建一个对象列表,然后使用内置的数据绑定功能将其绑定到 DGV。


' Read the files, build objects as you go and add them to a list
Dim lst = New List(Of TeacherMultiResults)

' Replace this part with your file reading code...
Dim t1 = New TeacherMultiResults With {.Username = "Bob", .TestNumber = 1, .TestResult = 75}
Dim t2 = New TeacherMultiResults With {.Username = "Rick", .TestNumber = 1, .TestResult = 85}
Dim t3 = New TeacherMultiResults With {.Username = "Zoe", .TestNumber = 1, .TestResult = 95}

' Bind the list to the DataGridView
Dim bindList = New BindingList(Of TeacherMultiResults)(lst)
Dim bindSrc = New BindingSource

bindSrc.DataSource = bindList
grid.DataSource = bindSrc


于 2014-04-03T19:15:26.943 回答