我正在使用 Mozilla firefox 并安装了“无脚本”广告块扩展。它锁定了我想要的所有广告。现在我注意到一些网站在他们的网页中嵌入了一些 javascript,这些 javascript 检测到浏览器 firefox 或 Chrome 中安装的任何扩展,然后重定向到特定的自定义页面,上面写着请禁用您的 Adblock 脚本/扩展。
就像我从http://uptobox.com下载文件一样,今天它会将我重定向到自定义 html 页面http://uptobox.com/pages/adblock.html。
<script type="text/javascript">
// Missclick !
setTimeout(function() {
if (document.getElementById("m10i6ekyhkf1").clientHeight < 11 || document.getElementById("m10i6ekyhkf1").style.position == "absolue") {
window.location = "/pages/adblock.html";
document.getElementById("container-page").innerHTML = '<div class="informations middle-content"><span class="server_name">You are using adblock plus or something else which block advertising!</span><br /><br />Uptobox can only exist today thanks to advertising.<br />Indeed, <b>advertising is one of our biggest income to paid our bandwidth and servers</b>, because our service is mainly free !<br />This is why we ask you to allow ads on Uptobox to use our service !<br />If you haven\'t got an adblocker, you can try to disable your antivirus.<br />(If you have any other issue, please empty your cache and refresh your link)<br /><br />\';<div class="debrid_case"><br /><span class="server_name"><center>Disable adblock</center></span><div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 15px;"><img src="http://uptobox.com/image_default/disableadblock.png" style="border: 5px solid #CFCFCF;" /></div><div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 15px;">You only have to click on "Disable Adblock Plus" <br />or "Disable adblock plus on uptobox.com"</div></div></div>';
$('.page-top').html($('.page-top').html() + " ");
$('.file-name').html($('.file-name').html() + " ");
if ($('.page-top').text().length > 70) {
var tmp_txt = $('.page-top').html().substr(0, 70);
if (window.location.protocol != "http:")
window.location.href = "http:" + window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length);