一旦用户从计算机中选择了文件并单击,我需要知道如何获取文件选择队列,因为我想将消息显示为“上传的文件 1/200”,但我不知道如何获取选择的文件总数。
// url of the server-side upload script, should be on the same domain
action: '/server/upload',
// additional data to send, name-value pairs
params: {},
// validation
// ex. ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'] or []
allowedExtensions: [],
// each file size limit in bytes
// this option isn't supported in all browsers
sizeLimit: 0, // max size
minSizeLimit: 0, // min size
abortOnFailure: true, // Fail all files if one doesn't meet the criteria
// set to true to output server response to console
debug: false,
// events
// you can return false to abort submit
onSubmit: function(id, fileName){},
onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total){},
onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){},
onCancel: function(id, fileName){},
onError: function(id, fileName, xhr){}
messages: {
// error messages, see qq.FileUploaderBasic for content
showMessage: function(message){ alert(message); }