我正在编写一个程序,从 OBD II 计算机获取汽车的速度和燃油率。获得速度效果很好,但在询问燃油率时我总是得到“7F 01 12”。我怎样才能解决这个问题?
我正在使用它从 OBD 获取数据,这是我的代码
from OBD import OBD
import datetime
f = open('log.txt', 'w')
obd = OBD()
while True:
#Put the current data and time at the beginning of each section
#print the received data to the console and save it to the file
data = obd.get(obd.SPEED)
f.write(str(data) + "\n")
data = obd.get(obd.FUEL_RATE)
f.write(str(data) + "\n")
f.flush()#Call flush to finish writing to the file
import socket
import time
class OBD:
def __init__(self):
#Create the variables to deal with the PIDs
self._PIDs = [b"010D\r", b"015E\r"]
self.SPEED = 0
self.FUEL_RATE = 1
#Create the socket and connect to the OBD device
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect(("", 35000))
def get(self, pid):
if pid < 0 or pid > 1:
return 0
#Send the request for the data
if self.sock.send(self._PIDs[pid]) <= 0:
print("Failed to send the data")
#wait 1 second for the data
#receive the returning data
msg = ""
msg = self.sock.recv(64)
if msg == "":
print("Failed to receive the data")
return 0
#Process the msg depending on which PID it is from
if pid == self.SPEED:
#Get the relevant data from the message and cast it to an int
A = int(msg[11:13], 16)#The parameters for this function is the hex string and the base it is in
except ValueError:
A = 0
#Convert the speed from Km/hr to mi/hr
A = A*0.621
returnVal = A
elif pid == self.FUEL_RATE:
A = msg[11:13]
returnVal = A
return returnVal