I have:

 FatalErrorException: Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded    

My php settings are:

 fastcgi_read_timeout 2400;
 fastcgi_param  PHP_VALUE  "max_execution_time = 2400";
 fastcgi_param  PHP_VALUE  "max_input_time = 2400";
 fastcgi_param  PHP_VALUE  "memory_limit = 1024M";

I'm doing massive doctrine-mongodb and neo4j flush operations

Any Ideas?


1 回答 1


You are overwriting the PHP_VALUE every time, only setting the memory_limit. Try

fastcgi_param  PHP_VALUE  "max_execution_time = 2400
                           max_input_time = 2400
                           memory_limit = 1024M";
于 2014-04-10T23:02:10.673 回答