我寻找具有 python 接口的 NMF 实现,并处理丢失的数据和零。
似乎 scikit-learn、nimfa、graphlab 和 mahout 都没有提出这样的选择。
我寻找具有 python 接口的 NMF 实现,并处理丢失的数据和零。
似乎 scikit-learn、nimfa、graphlab 和 mahout 都没有提出这样的选择。
使用这个Matlab 到 python 代码转换表,我能够从Matlab 工具箱库重写 NMF。
我必须分解一个40k X 1k
稀疏度为 0.7% 的矩阵。使用 500 个潜在功能,我的机器花了 20 分钟进行 100 次迭代。
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from numpy import dot
def nmf(X, latent_features, max_iter=100, error_limit=1e-6, fit_error_limit=1e-6):
Decompose X to A*Y
eps = 1e-5
print 'Starting NMF decomposition with {} latent features and {} iterations.'.format(latent_features, max_iter)
X = X.toarray() # I am passing in a scipy sparse matrix
# mask
mask = np.sign(X)
# initial matrices. A is random [0,1] and Y is A\X.
rows, columns = X.shape
A = np.random.rand(rows, latent_features)
A = np.maximum(A, eps)
Y = linalg.lstsq(A, X)[0]
Y = np.maximum(Y, eps)
masked_X = mask * X
X_est_prev = dot(A, Y)
for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
# ===== updates =====
# Matlab: A=A.*(((W.*X)*Y')./((W.*(A*Y))*Y'));
top = dot(masked_X, Y.T)
bottom = (dot((mask * dot(A, Y)), Y.T)) + eps
A *= top / bottom
A = np.maximum(A, eps)
# print 'A', np.round(A, 2)
# Matlab: Y=Y.*((A'*(W.*X))./(A'*(W.*(A*Y))));
top = dot(A.T, masked_X)
bottom = dot(A.T, mask * dot(A, Y)) + eps
Y *= top / bottom
Y = np.maximum(Y, eps)
# print 'Y', np.round(Y, 2)
# ==== evaluation ====
if i % 5 == 0 or i == 1 or i == max_iter:
print 'Iteration {}:'.format(i),
X_est = dot(A, Y)
err = mask * (X_est_prev - X_est)
fit_residual = np.sqrt(np.sum(err ** 2))
X_est_prev = X_est
curRes = linalg.norm(mask * (X - X_est), ord='fro')
print 'fit residual', np.round(fit_residual, 4),
print 'total residual', np.round(curRes, 4)
if curRes < error_limit or fit_residual < fit_error_limit:
return A, Y
在这里,我使用 Scipy 稀疏矩阵作为输入,并将缺失值转换为0
Scipy 有一种解决非负最小二乘问题(NNLS)的方法。在这个答案中,我正在复制关于使用scipy的 NNLS 进行非负矩阵分解的博文。您可能还对我使用autograd、Tensorflow和CVXPY进行 NNMF 的其他博客文章感兴趣。
A (M×N) ≈ W (M×K) × H (K×N), such that W (M×K) ≥ 0 and H (K×N) ≥ 0
我们的解决方案包括两个步骤。首先,我们固定 W 并学习 H,给定 A。接下来,我们固定 H 并学习 W,给定 A。我们迭代地重复这个过程。固定一个变量并学习另一个变量(在此设置中)通常称为交替最小二乘法,因为该问题已简化为最小二乘法问题。但是,需要注意的重要一点是,由于我们希望将 W 和 H 约束为非负数,因此我们使用 NNLS 而不是最小二乘法。
使用上图,我们可以使用 A 中的对应列和矩阵 W 来学习 H 的每一列。
在协同过滤问题中,A通常是用户-项目矩阵,它有很多缺失的条目。这些缺失的条目对应于没有评价项目的用户。我们可以修改我们的公式来解释这些缺失的条目。考虑到 A 中的 M' ≤ M 个条目已观察到数据,我们现在将上述等式修改为:
其中,通过仅考虑 M' 个条目来找到掩码。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
M, N = 20, 10
A_orig = np.abs(np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(M,N)))
print pd.DataFrame(A_orig).head()
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.548814 0.715189 0.602763 0.544883 0.423655 0.645894 0.437587 0.891773 0.963663 0.383442
1 0.791725 0.528895 0.568045 0.925597 0.071036 0.087129 0.020218 0.832620 0.778157 0.870012
2 0.978618 0.799159 0.461479 0.780529 0.118274 0.639921 0.143353 0.944669 0.521848 0.414662
3 0.264556 0.774234 0.456150 0.568434 0.018790 0.617635 0.612096 0.616934 0.943748 0.681820
4 0.359508 0.437032 0.697631 0.060225 0.666767 0.670638 0.210383 0.128926 0.315428 0.363711
A = A_orig.copy()
A[0, 0] = np.NAN
A[3, 1] = np.NAN
A[6, 3] = np.NAN
A_df = pd.DataFrame(A)
print A_df.head()
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 NaN 0.715189 0.602763 0.544883 0.423655 0.645894 0.437587 0.891773 0.963663 0.383442
1 0.791725 0.528895 0.568045 0.925597 0.071036 0.087129 0.020218 0.832620 0.778157 0.870012
2 0.978618 0.799159 0.461479 0.780529 0.118274 0.639921 0.143353 0.944669 0.521848 0.414662
3 0.264556 NaN 0.456150 0.568434 0.018790 0.617635 0.612096 0.616934 0.943748 0.681820
4 0.359508 0.437032 0.697631 0.060225 0.666767 0.670638 0.210383 0.128926 0.315428 0.363711
K = 4
W = np.abs(np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(M, K)))
H = np.abs(np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(K, N)))
W = np.divide(W, K*W.max())
H = np.divide(H, K*H.max())
0 1 2 3
0 0.078709 0.175784 0.095359 0.045339
1 0.006230 0.016976 0.171505 0.114531
2 0.135453 0.226355 0.250000 0.054753
3 0.167387 0.066473 0.005213 0.191444
4 0.080785 0.096801 0.148514 0.209789
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.074611 0.216164 0.157328 0.003370 0.088415 0.037721 0.250000 0.121806 0.126649 0.162827
1 0.093851 0.034858 0.209333 0.048340 0.130195 0.057117 0.024914 0.219537 0.247731 0.244654
2 0.230833 0.197093 0.084828 0.020651 0.103694 0.059133 0.033735 0.013604 0.184756 0.002910
3 0.196210 0.037417 0.020248 0.022815 0.171121 0.062477 0.107081 0.141921 0.219119 0.185125
def cost(A, W, H):
from numpy import linalg
WH = np.dot(W, H)
return linalg.norm(A_WH, 'fro')
但是,由于 A 缺少条目,我们必须根据 A 中存在的条目来定义成本
def cost(A, W, H):
from numpy import linalg
mask = pd.DataFrame(A).notnull().values
WH = np.dot(W, H)
WH_mask = WH[mask]
A_mask = A[mask]
A_WH_mask = A_mask-WH_mask
# Since now A_WH_mask is a vector, we use L2 instead of Frobenius norm for matrix
return linalg.norm(A_WH_mask, 2)
让我们试着看看我们随机分配的 W 和 H 的初始值集的成本。
cost(A, W, H)
num_iter = 1000
num_display_cost = max(int(num_iter/10), 1)
from scipy.optimize import nnls
for i in range(num_iter):
if i%2 ==0:
# Learn H, given A and W
for j in range(N):
mask_rows = pd.Series(A[:,j]).notnull()
H[:,j] = nnls(W[mask_rows], A[:,j][mask_rows])[0]
for j in range(M):
mask_rows = pd.Series(A[j,:]).notnull()
W[j,:] = nnls(H.transpose()[mask_rows], A[j,:][mask_rows])[0]
WH = np.dot(W, H)
c = cost(A, W, H)
if i%num_display_cost==0:
print i, c
0 4.03939072472
100 2.38059096458
200 2.35814781954
300 2.35717011529
400 2.35711130357
500 2.3571079918
600 2.35710729854
700 2.35710713129
800 2.35710709085
900 2.35710708109
A_pred = pd.DataFrame(np.dot(W, H))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.564235 0.677712 0.558999 0.631337 0.536069 0.621925 0.629133 0.656010 0.839802 0.545072
1 0.788734 0.539729 0.517534 1.041272 0.119894 0.448402 0.172808 0.658696 0.493093 0.825311
2 0.749886 0.575154 0.558981 0.931156 0.270149 0.502035 0.287008 0.656178 0.588916 0.741519
3 0.377419 0.743081 0.370408 0.637094 0.071684 0.529433 0.767696 0.628507 0.832910 0.605742
4 0.458661 0.327143 0.610012 0.233134 0.685559 0.377750 0.281483 0.269960 0.468756 0.114950
array([ 0.56423481, 0.74308143, 0.10283106])
Original values were:
array([ 0.5488135 , 0.77423369, 0.13818295])
import numpy.random as rd
from autograd_minimize import minimize
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
def low_rank_matrix_factorization(X: np.array, rank: int = 5, l2_reg: float = 0.,
positive: bool = False, opt_kwargs:
dict = {'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'tol': 1e-12}) -> np.array:
"""Factorises a matrix X into the product of two matrices.
The matrix can have nans.
:param X: Input matrix
:type X: np.array
:param rank: rank of matrix decomposition, defaults to 5
:type rank: int, optional
:param l2_reg: l2 regularisation for the submatrices, defaults to 0.
:type l2_reg: float, optional
:param positive: if true, the matrices must have positive coefficients, defaults to False
:type positive: bool, optional
:param opt_kwargs: parameters for the optimizer, defaults to {'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'tol': 1e-12}
:type opt_kwargs: dict, optional
:return: completed matrix
:rtype: np.array
mask = tf.constant(~np.isnan(X), dtype=tf.float32)
X_ = np.nan_to_num(X.copy(), 0)
X_t = tf.constant(X_, dtype=tf.float32)
Npos = tf.reduce_sum(mask)
def model(U=None, V=None):
return tf.reduce_sum(((U @ V) - X_t)**2 * mask)/Npos + (tf.reduce_mean(U**2) + tf.reduce_mean(V**2)) * l2_reg
x0 = {'U': rd.random((X_t.shape[0], rank)),
'V': rd.random((rank, X_t.shape[1]))}
if positive:
opt_kwargs['bounds'] = {'U': (0, None), 'V': (0, None)}
res = minimize(model, x0, **opt_kwargs, backend='tf')
return np.where(np.isnan(X), res.x['U'] @ res.x['V'], X)