我正在从开始 Raven 2.x 开始学习 RavenDB(Build 2851,版本 2.5.0 / 6dce79a),并且发现 Raven-Studio 没有正确过滤。


public class Cities_ByPopulation : AbstractIndexCreationTask<City>
   public Cities_ByPopulation()
      this.Map = cities => from city in cities 
                           select new { Population = city.Population };

      // Generates as this in the RDBMS
      // docs.Cities.Select(city => new {
      //     Population = city.Population
      // })

IndexCreation.CreateIndex(typeof(Cities_ByPopulation).Assembly, documentStore)并用代码注册它。

问题 1 - Raven Studio 未按预期过滤

现在索引已添加到 RavenDB,我Population [long]在 Raven Studio 上运行过滤器,过滤 200'000 到 500'000。

IDE 未正确显示结果

正如你所看到的,它的回调值完全超出了范围。我也尝试过,Population: [Lx200000 TO Lx500000]但没有出现任何结果。


Raven Studio 使用动态索引过滤

问题 2 - LINQ 根本没有按预期过滤

除此之外,我发现即使使用原始 LINQ 查询,也不会返回任何数据!

// RavenStore stores a singleton, 
// so I can share across console apps in this solution
using (var store = RavenStore.GetDocumentStore())
    IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(Cities_ByPopulation).Assembly, store);

    const long MinRange = 200000;
    const long MaxRange = 300000;

    Debug.Assert(MinRange < MaxRange, "Ranges need swapping round!");

    // Get cities using the index
    using (var session = store.OpenSession())
        var cities =
                .Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults())
                .Where(x => x.Population > MinRange && x.Population < MaxRange);

            Console.WriteLine("Number of normal cities within population range: {0}", cities.Count());

    // Get cities from raw query
    using (var session = store.OpenSession())
        var cities = session.Query<City>().Where(x => x.Population > MinRange && x.Population < MaxRange);

        Console.WriteLine("Number of normal cities within population range: {0}", cities.Count());

    // Output :
    // Number of normal cities within population range: 0
    // Number of normal cities within population range: 0


Request # 275: GET     -     1 ms - <system>   - 200 - /docs/Raven/Databases/World
Request # 276: HEAD    -     0 ms - World      - 200 - /indexes/Cities/ByPopulation
Request # 277: PUT     -     2 ms - World      - 201 - /indexes/Cities/ByPopulation
Request # 278: GET     -     0 ms - World      - 404 - /docs/Raven/Replication/Destinations
Request # 279: GET     -     6 ms - World      - 200 - /indexes/Cities/ByPopulation?&query=Population_Range%3A%7BLx200000%20TO%20Lx300000%7D&pageSize=0&operationHeadersHash=1690003523
        Query: Population_Range:{Lx200000 TO Lx300000}
        Time: 6 ms
        Index: Cities/ByPopulation
        Results: 0 returned out of 0 total.

Request # 280: GET     -     7 ms - World      - 200 - /indexes/dynamic/Cities?&query=Population_Range%3A%7BLx200000%20TO%20Lx300000%7D&pageSize=0&operationHeadersHash=1690003523
        Query: Population_Range:{Lx200000 TO Lx300000}
        Time: 6 ms
        Index: Cities/ByPopulation
        Results: 0 returned out of 0 total.


  • 数据是通过 CSV 导入器导入的。
  • 没有对象从 .NET 应用程序中存储,仅读取。


这是来自文档的结果 JSON:

  "Name": "Aachen",
  "CountryCode": "D",
  "Province": "Nordrhein Westfalen",
  "Population": 247113,
  "CountryId": "country/1009"

和 C# 类:

public class City
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string CountryCode { get; set; }
        public long Population { get; set; }
        public string Province { get; set; }
        public string CountryId { get; set; }



this['@metadata']['Raven-Clr-Type'] = "Domain.City, Domain"




1 回答 1


您必须告诉 Raven,Population 是一个数字,因为所有值都存储为文本。所以在你的索引构造函数中写下类似

Sort(x => x.Population , SortOptions.Long);
于 2014-03-31T19:04:11.650 回答