我正在关注 Mac Developer 库中的“蓝牙设备访问指南”,了解如何实现 Mac RFCOMM 服务器。在有关如何将服务定义添加到 SDP 数据库的指南中,有一个代码清单使用了已弃用的函数:
// Now that we have an IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord object,
// we no longer need the IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecordRef.
IOBluetoothObjectRelease( serviceRecordRef );
The ref counting scheme allows the IOBluetoothObjectRefs to be freed
when they are no longer used. When the ref count reaches zero,
the target object will be freed.
*** DEPRECATED IN BLUETOOTH 2.2 (Mac OS X 10.6) ***
You should transition your code to Objective-C equivalents. ***
This API may be removed any time in the future.
- 为什么 Mac 文档使用已弃用的功能?
- 什么是 Objective-C 等价物?