目前,我在我的 SoapUI 项目中遇到了复制粘贴大量代码的问题,并认为我会有某种可以执行大部分任务的辅助函数库。

所以我有一个测试套件,代码本身在这个测试套件的 Groovy Script 测试步骤中。这个想法是让我的辅助方法可用于我所在的上下文(REST 测试请求步骤)。

它实例化得很好,但问题是当我想调用时run(testRunner, context),我无法访问该testRunner属性。我读过一些关于这就是它的事情。



1 回答 1


我对脚本库使用与您相同的方法。我使用了 Kerry Doan 在http://www.doan.me/script-library-in-soapui-free.aspx描述的方法

当我尝试从项目加载脚本访问此脚本库时,我无权访问 testRunner,因此我创建了 testRunner 对象,并且由于我无权访问上下文对象,因此我也必须创建它。


import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCaseRunner
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringToObjectMap
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext

//to create the testRunner object I need a testCase object and a new StringToObjectMap
//I initially used the test case in the script library but as i needed the 
//testRunner object to the test case being executed so i created the object to
//the test case being executed.
//I did not want to worry about test suite or test case names so i used their index 
//assuming that there will be at least one test suite and at least one test case when
//this script is run
testCase = project.getTestSuiteAt(0).getTestCaseAt(0)
tcRunner = new WsdlTestCaseRunner( testCase, new StringToObjectMap() );

//A context is essentially a WsdlTestRunContext object and as you can see below all i 
//have done to create that is pass it a test step object which was obtained by using index
//rather than name.
tStep = testCase.getTestStepAt(0)
tcContext = new WsdlTestRunContext(tStep)

//my script library is in a seperate project called `Script Library` and all the 
//groovy scripts are in a test suite called `Script Library`
scripts = project.workspace.projects["Script Library"].testSuites["Script Library"];
scripts.testCases["Scripts"].testSteps["runTest"].run(tcRunner, tcContext);
于 2014-03-31T12:17:47.513 回答