

case class Person(name: String, age: Int) {
  def this() = this("",1)


case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

DefDef因此,我尝试在宏注释的 impl 中使用准引号将新构造函数添加为普通旧构造函数,例如:

val newCtor = q"""def this() = this("", 1)"""
val newBody = body :+ newCtor
q"$mods class $name[..$tparams](..$first)(...$rest) extends ..$parents { $self => ..$newBody }"

但这会返回一个错误:called constructor's definition must precede calling constructor's definition




1 回答 1



1)第一个问题(https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-8451)是关于准引号为二级构造函数发出错误的树形。这已在 2.11.0-RC4(尚未发布,目前以 2.11.0-SNAPSHOT 提供)和天堂 2.0.0-M6 的 2.10.x(昨天发布)中修复。

2)第二个问题是关于未分配的位置在类型检查期间造成严重破坏。奇怪的是,在对构造函数的调用进行类型检查时,typer 使用位置来确定这些调用是否合法。这不能那么容易地修补,我们必须解决:

         val newCtor = q"""def this() = this(List(Some("")))"""
-        val newBody = body :+ newCtor
+        // It looks like typer sometimes uses positions to decide whether stuff
+        // (secondary constructors in this case) typechecks or not (?!!):
+        // https://github.com/xeno-by/scala/blob/c74e1325ff1514b1042c959b0b268b3c6bf8d349/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala#L2932
+        //
+        // In general, positions are important in getting error messages and debug
+        // information right, but maintaining positions is too hard, so macro writers typically don't care.
+        //
+        // This has never been a problem up until now, but here we're forced to work around
+        // by manually setting an artificial position for the secondary constructor to be greater
+        // than the position that the default constructor is going to get after macro expansion.
+        //
+        // We have a few ideas how to fix positions in a principled way in Palladium,
+        // but we'll have to see how it goes.
+        val defaultCtorPos = c.enclosingPosition
+        val newCtorPos = defaultCtorPos.withEnd(defaultCtorPos.endOrPoint + 1).withStart(defaultCtorPos.startOrPoint + 1).withPoint(defaultCtorPos.    point + 1)
+        val newBody = body :+ atPos(newCtorPos)(newCtor)
于 2014-03-31T09:23:29.577 回答