为了便于讨论,假设日志文件包含三个值* - x、y 和 theta。在执行文件 I/O 的例程中,我读取了三个值,将它们分配给一个结构并将该结构添加到 PostureList。
绘图例程希望 x、y 和 theta 位于单独的数组中。我的想法是使用 ToArray() 方法进行转换,但是当我尝试下面的语法时,我得到了一个错误 - 请参阅下面的评论中的错误。我有另一种方法来进行转换,但想获得有关更好方法的建议。
我对 C# 很陌生。在此先感谢您的帮助。
注意:* 实际上,日志文件包含许多不同的信息,这些信息具有不同的有效负载大小。
struct PostureStruct
public double x;
public double y;
public double theta;
List<PostureStruct> PostureList = new List<PostureStruct>();
private void PlotPostureList()
double[] xValue = new double[PostureList.Count()];
double[] yValue = new double[PostureList.Count()];
double[] thetaValue = new double[PostureList.Count()];
// This syntax gives an error:
// Error 1 'System.Collections.Generic.List<TestNameSpace.Test.PostureStruct>'
// does not contain a definition for 'x' and no extension method 'x' accepting a first
// argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<TestNameSpace.Test.PostureStruct>'
// could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
xValue = PostureList.x.ToArray();
yValue = PostureList.y.ToArray();
thetaValue = PostureList.theta.ToArray();
// I could replace the statements above with something like this but I was wondering if
// if there was a better way or if I had some basic mistake in the ToArray() syntax.
for (int i = 0; i < PostureList.Count(); i++)
xValue[i] = PostureList[i].x;
yValue[i] = PostureList[i].y;
thetaValue[i] = PostureList[i].theta;