I am trying to implement a simple message passing between two applications using NetMQ (a slightly more elaborate description of what I am trying to achieve is below).
After a bit of trial and error I've found that I can't just send or receive messages right away after a Connect/Bind calls, since they are non blocking and actually return even if the connection hasn't been established yet.
For now I solved this with Thread.Sleep(), but this has a bad taste to it and definitely a no-go for a production system.

So the question is, how's one supposed to do it in NetMQ/ZeroMQ?

Client example:

        using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
            using (var client = ctx.CreatePushSocket())
                Thread.Sleep(100); // wait for connection

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 
                    client.Send("test " + i , true);

Server example:

    using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())
        using (var server = ctx.CreatePullSocket())
            Thread.Sleep(100); // wait for connection
            while (true)
                var str = server.ReceiveString();
                Thread.Sleep(60*1000); // do msg processing

Description of what I am trying to achieve:

Client - Sends messages to a single server. The client should not block and should not discard messages when server is not available. The client can come offline/online at any time.

Server - Receives messages from a single client. The server blocks until a message is received. Server needs to do lengthy processing of the message and should not loose any other messages while processing. The server can come offline/online at any time.


2 回答 2


接收和发送都可以等到可以执行,您将 true 传递给示例中的 dontWait 参数,只需将其删除,它就会在可以时发送消息。


正如建议使用 Poller 也是一种解决方案(您可以轮询套接字何时可以发送以及何时可以使用消息),请查看 poller 类的测试:https ://github.com/zeromq/netmq/blob /3.3.3-rc5/src/NetMQ.Tests/PollerTests.cs

于 2014-06-22T13:20:12.723 回答


在客户端,最好的解决方案可能是创建两个套接字(一个用于发送消息,一个用于接收),并让服务器宣布其存在,以便客户端发送消息。因为 ZeroMQ 在处理多个连接方面很有效,所以这个解决方案会很好地工作。

于 2014-03-29T16:26:44.877 回答