我会确保您需要的所有表和所有未来的表都具有可识别的命名约定,以便您可以使用 sys.all_objects 和 sys.all_columns 表查询要复制的表/列。在此示例中,您可以通过 @SourceDB 参数将源数据库名称传递给存储过程,并在源/目标表/列名称相交的位置执行插入。未指定目标数据库,因为它被假定为当前数据库:
-- get intersecting table/column names from @SourceDB
-- and Destination (Current) DB
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql = 'select o.name,c.name
from ' + @SourceDB + '.sys.all_objects o
inner join ' + @SourceDB + '.sys.all_columns c
on c.object_id = o.object_id
where o.type = ''U''
and o.name like ''SomeStringToIdentifyYourTables%''
select o.name,c.name
from sys.all_objects o
inner join sys.all_columns c
on c.object_id = o.object_id
where o.type = ''U''
and o.name like ''SomeStringToIdentifyYourTables%'''
declare @TblColNames table(TblName nvarchar(200),ColName nvarchar(200))
insert into @TblColNames
-- insert data from Source DB to Destination (Current) DB
-- where Table/Column Names Intersect
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql = ''
select @sql = @sql + 'insert into ' +
o.name + ' (' + replace((
select c.name +
case row_number() over(order by c.name desc)
when 1 then '' else '||' end
from @TblColNames c
where c.TblName = o.TblName
order by c.name asc
for xml path('')),'||',',') + ')
select ' + replace((
select c.name +
case row_number() over(order by c.name desc)
when 1 then '' else '||' end
from @TblColNames c
where c.TblName = o.TblName
order by c.name asc
for xml path('')),'||',',') + '
from ' + @SourceDB + '..' + o.name + '
from @TblColNames o