我想使用 dplyr 为每个小时(因子变量)拟合一个模型,但出现错误,我不太确定出了什么问题。

df.h <- data.frame( 
  hour     = factor(rep(1:24, each = 21)),
  price    = runif(504, min = -10, max = 125),
  wind     = runif(504, min = 0, max = 2500),
  temp     = runif(504, min = - 10, max = 25)  

df.h <- tbl_df(df.h)
df.h <- group_by(df.h, hour)

group_size(df.h) # checks out, 21 obs. for each factor variable

# different attempts:
reg.models <- do(df.h, formula = price ~ wind + temp)

reg.models <- do(df.h, .f = lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = df.h))



7 回答 7


大约在 2015 年 5 月,最简单的方法是使用broom. broom包含三个函数,它们按组处理来自统计操作的复杂返回对象:(按组tidy处理来自统计操作的系数向量)、glance(按组处理来自统计操作的汇总统计)和augment(处理来自分组统计操作)。

这是一个演示,它用于将线性回归的各种结果按组提取到 tidydata_frame中。

  1. tidy

    df.h = data.frame( 
      hour     = factor(rep(1:24, each = 21)),
      price    = runif(504, min = -10, max = 125),
      wind     = runif(504, min = 0, max = 2500),
      temp     = runif(504, min = - 10, max = 25)  
    dfHour = df.h %>% group_by(hour) %>%
      do(fitHour = lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .))
    # get the coefficients by group in a tidy data_frame
    dfHourCoef = tidy(dfHour, fitHour)


        Source: local data frame [72 x 6]
        Groups: hour
    hour        term     estimate   std.error  statistic     p.value
    1     1 (Intercept) 53.336069324 21.33190104  2.5002961 0.022294293
    2     1        wind -0.008475175  0.01338668 -0.6331053 0.534626575
    3     1        temp  1.180019541  0.79178607  1.4903262 0.153453756
    4     2 (Intercept) 77.737788772 23.52048754  3.3051096 0.003936651
    5     2        wind -0.008437212  0.01432521 -0.5889765 0.563196358
    6     2        temp -0.731265113  1.00109489 -0.7304653 0.474506855
    7     3 (Intercept) 38.292039924 17.55361626  2.1814331 0.042655670
    8     3        wind  0.005422492  0.01407478  0.3852630 0.704557388
    9     3        temp  0.426765270  0.83672863  0.5100402 0.616220435
    10    4 (Intercept) 30.603119492 21.05059583  1.4537888 0.163219027
    ..  ...         ...          ...         ...        ...         ...
  2. augment

     # get the predictions by group in a tidy data_frame
    dfHourPred = augment(dfHour, fitHour)


    Source: local data frame [504 x 11]
    Groups: hour
    hour       price      wind      temp  .fitted  .se.fit     .resid       .hat   .sigma      .cooksd .std.resid
    1     1  83.8414055   67.3780 -6.199231 45.44982 22.42649  38.391590 0.27955950 42.24400 0.1470891067  1.0663820
    2     1   0.3061628 2073.7540 15.134085 53.61916 14.10041 -53.312993 0.11051343 41.43590 0.0735584714 -1.3327207
    3     1  80.3790032  520.5949 24.711938 78.08451 20.03558   2.294497 0.22312869 43.64059 0.0003606305  0.0613746
    4     1 121.9023855 1618.0864 12.382588 54.23420 10.31293  67.668187 0.05911743 40.23212 0.0566557575  1.6447224
    5     1  -0.4039594 1542.8150 -5.544927 33.71732 14.53349 -34.121278 0.11740628 42.74697 0.0325125137 -0.8562896
    6     1  29.8269832  396.6951  6.134694 57.21307 16.04995 -27.386085 0.14318542 43.05124 0.0271028701 -0.6975290
    7     1  -7.1865483 2009.9552 -5.657871 29.62495 16.93769 -36.811497 0.15946292 42.54487 0.0566686969 -0.9466312
    8     1  -7.8548693 2447.7092 22.043029 58.60251 19.94686 -66.457379 0.22115706 39.63999 0.2983443034 -1.7753911
    9     1  94.8736726 1525.3144 24.484066 69.30044 15.93352  25.573234 0.14111563 43.12898 0.0231796755  0.6505701
    10    1  54.4643001 2473.2234 -7.656520 23.34022 21.83043  31.124076 0.26489650 42.74790 0.0879837510  0.8558507
    ..  ...         ...       ...       ...      ...      ...        ...        ...      ...          ...        ...
  3. glance

    # get the summary statistics by group in a tidy data_frame
    dfHourSumm = glance(dfHour, fitHour)


    Source: local data frame [24 x 12]
    Groups: hour
    hour  r.squared adj.r.squared    sigma statistic    p.value df    logLik      AIC      BIC deviance df.residual
    1     1 0.12364561    0.02627290 42.41546 1.2698179 0.30487225  3 -106.8769 221.7538 225.9319 32383.29          18
    2     2 0.03506944   -0.07214506 36.79189 0.3270961 0.72521125  3 -103.8900 215.7799 219.9580 24365.58          18
    3     3 0.02805424   -0.07993974 39.33621 0.2597760 0.77406651  3 -105.2942 218.5884 222.7665 27852.07          18
    4     4 0.17640603    0.08489559 41.37115 1.9277147 0.17434859  3 -106.3534 220.7068 224.8849 30808.30          18
    5     5 0.12575453    0.02861615 42.27865 1.2945915 0.29833246  3 -106.8091 221.6181 225.7962 32174.72          18
    6     6 0.08114417   -0.02095092 35.80062 0.7947901 0.46690268  3 -103.3164 214.6328 218.8109 23070.31          18
    7     7 0.21339168    0.12599076 32.77309 2.4415266 0.11529934  3 -101.4609 210.9218 215.0999 19333.36          18
    8     8 0.21655629    0.12950699 40.92788 2.4877430 0.11119114  3 -106.1272 220.2543 224.4324 30151.65          18
    9     9 0.23388711    0.14876346 35.48431 2.7476160 0.09091487  3 -103.1300 214.2601 218.4381 22664.45          18
    10   10 0.18326177    0.09251307 40.77241 2.0194425 0.16171339  3 -106.0472 220.0945 224.2726 29923.01          18
    ..  ...        ...           ...      ...       ...        ... ..       ...      ...      ...      ...         ...
于 2015-05-03T15:48:54.623 回答

In dplyr 0.4, you can do:

df.h %>% do(model = lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .))
于 2014-04-11T00:09:37.147 回答

从 2020 年中期开始tchakravarty 的答案将失败。为了规避broomdpylr似乎交互的新方法,可以使用 和 的broom::tidy以下组合broom::augmentbroom::glance我们只需要在内部使用它们do(),然后unnest()在 tibble 中使用它们。


df.h = data.frame( 
  hour     = factor(rep(1:24, each = 21)),
  price    = runif(504, min = -10, max = 125),
  wind     = runif(504, min = 0, max = 2500),
  temp     = runif(504, min = - 10, max = 25)  

df.h %>% group_by(hour) %>%
  do(fitHour = tidy(lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .))) %>% 
# # A tibble: 72 x 6
#    hour  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
#    <fct> <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#  1 1     (Intercept)   82.4     18.1         4.55  0.000248 
#  2 1     wind         -0.0212   0.0108      -1.96  0.0655   
#  3 1     temp         -1.01     0.792       -1.28  0.218    
#  4 2     (Intercept)   25.9     19.7         1.31  0.206    
#  5 2     wind          0.0204   0.0131       1.57  0.135    
#  6 2     temp          0.680    1.01         0.670 0.511    
#  7 3     (Intercept)   88.3     15.5         5.69  0.0000214
#  8 3     wind         -0.0188   0.00998     -1.89  0.0754   
#  9 3     temp         -0.669    0.653       -1.02  0.319    
# 10 4     (Intercept)   73.4     14.2         5.17  0.0000639

df.h %>% group_by(hour) %>%
  do(fitHour = augment(lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .))) %>% 
# # A tibble: 24 x 13
#    hour  r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC deviance
#    <fct>     <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#  1 1        0.246        0.162    39.0     2.93   0.0790     2  -105.  218.  222.   27334.
#  2 2        0.161        0.0674   43.5     1.72   0.207      2  -107.  223.  227.   34029.
#  3 3        0.192        0.102    33.9     2.14   0.147      2  -102.  212.  217.   20739.
#  4 4        0.0960      -0.00445  34.3     0.956  0.403      2  -102.  213.  217.   21169.
#  5 5        0.230        0.144    31.7     2.68   0.0955     2  -101.  210.  214.   18088.
#  6 6        0.0190      -0.0900   39.8     0.174  0.842      2  -106.  219.  223.   28507.
#  7 7        0.0129      -0.0967   37.1     0.118  0.889      2  -104.  216.  220.   24801.
#  8 8        0.197        0.108    35.3     2.21   0.139      2  -103.  214.  218.   22438.
#  9 9        0.0429      -0.0634   39.4     0.403  0.674      2  -105.  219.  223.   27918.
# 10 10       0.0943      -0.00633  35.6     0.937  0.410      2  -103.  214.  219.   22854.
# # … with 14 more rows, and 2 more variables: df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

df.h %>% group_by(hour) %>%
  do(fitHour = glance(lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .))) %>% 
# # A tibble: 504 x 10
#    hour   price  wind   temp .fitted .resid .std.resid   .hat .sigma  .cooksd
#    <fct>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
#  1 1      94.2   883. -6.64     70.4  23.7       0.652 0.129    39.6 0.0209  
#  2 1      19.3  2107.  2.40     35.4 -16.0      -0.431 0.0864   39.9 0.00584 
#  3 1      60.5  2161. 18.3      18.1  42.5       1.18  0.146    38.5 0.0795  
#  4 1     116.   1244. 12.0      44.0  71.9       1.91  0.0690   35.8 0.0902  
#  5 1     117.   1624. -8.05     56.1  60.6       1.67  0.128    36.9 0.136   
#  6 1      75.0   220. -0.838    78.6  -3.58     -0.101 0.175    40.1 0.000724
#  7 1     106.    765.  6.15     60.0  45.7       1.22  0.0845   38.4 0.0461  
#  8 1      -9.89 2055. 12.3      26.5 -36.4      -0.979 0.0909   39.0 0.0319  
#  9 1      96.1   215. -8.36     86.3   9.82      0.287 0.232    40.0 0.00830 
# 10 1      27.2   323. 22.4      52.9 -25.7      -0.777 0.278    39.4 0.0774  
# # … with 494 more rows

归功于Bob Muenchen 的博客以获得灵感。

于 2020-09-07T08:33:10.027 回答


.f:适用于每件作品的功能。提供给 .f 的第一个未命名参数将是一个数据框。


reg.models <- do(df.h, 
                     lm(price ~ wind + temp, data=data)


reg.models <- do(df.h, 
                     m <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data=data)
                     m$hour <- unique(data$hour)
于 2014-03-28T12:51:29.960 回答

我认为您可以dplyr在不需要像@fabians anwser 中定义函数的情况下以更合适的方式使用。

results<-df.h %.% 
group_by(hour) %.% 
do(failwith(NULL, lm), formula = price ~ wind + temp)


results<-do(group_by(tbl_df(df.h), hour),
failwith(NULL, lm), formula = price ~ wind + temp)

编辑: 当然它也可以在没有failwith

results<-df.h %.% 
    group_by(hour) %.% 
    do(lm, formula = price ~ wind + temp)

results<-do(group_by(tbl_df(df.h), hour),
lm, formula = price ~ wind + temp)
于 2014-03-28T13:19:20.190 回答

我相信有一个比loki 的答案更紧凑的答案,它放弃了自替换/取代 do()


h.lm <- df.h %>%
      nest_by(hour) %>%
      mutate(fitHour = list(lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = data))) %>%
      summarise(tidy_out = list(tidy(fitHour)),
                glance_out = list(glance(fitHour)),
                augment_out = list(augment(fitHour))) %>%

# # A tibble: 24 x 4
#    hour  tidy_out         glance_out        augment_out
#    <fct> <list>           <list>            <list>
#  1 1     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  2 2     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  3 3     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  4 4     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  5 5     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  6 6     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  7 7     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  8 8     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
#  9 9     <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
# 10 10    <tibble [3 × 5]> <tibble [1 × 12]> <tibble [21 × 9]>
# # … with 14 more rows


unnest(select(h.lm, hour, tidy_out))
# # A tibble: 72 x 6
#    hour  term        estimate std.error statistic p.value
#    <fct> <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#  1 1     (Intercept) 63.2       20.9        3.02  0.00728
#  2 1     wind        -0.00237    0.0139    -0.171 0.866
#  3 1     temp        -0.266      0.950     -0.280 0.783
#  4 2     (Intercept) 65.1       23.0        2.83  0.0111
#  5 2     wind         0.00691    0.0129     0.535 0.599
#  6 2     temp        -0.448      0.877     -0.510 0.616
#  7 3     (Intercept) 65.2       17.8        3.67  0.00175
#  8 3     wind         0.00515    0.0112     0.458 0.652
#  9 3     temp        -1.87       0.695     -2.69  0.0148
# 10 4     (Intercept) 49.7       17.6        2.83  0.0111
# # … with 62 more rows
于 2020-12-21T08:33:35.450 回答

从 dplyr 1.0.0 开始,group_split为这个操作提供了一个方便的快捷方式:

df.h <- data.frame( 
  hour     = factor(rep(1:24, each = 21)),
  price    = runif(504, min = -10, max = 125),
  wind     = runif(504, min = 0, max = 2500),
  temp     = runif(504, min = - 10, max = 25)  

df.g <- group_split(df.h, hour)
map_dfr(df.g, function(x) tidy(lm(price ~ wind + temp, data=x)))
#> # A tibble: 72 x 5
#>    term        estimate std.error statistic p.value
#>    <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 (Intercept) -10.4      20.3       -0.512 0.615  
#>  2 wind          0.0377    0.0117     3.23  0.00467
#>  3 temp          1.34      0.890      1.50  0.150  
#>  4 (Intercept)  34.6      18.6        1.86  0.0799 
#>  5 wind          0.0214    0.0125     1.71  0.104  
#>  6 temp          0.332     0.865      0.384 0.706  
#>  7 (Intercept)  42.5      15.3        2.79  0.0122 
#>  8 wind          0.0103    0.0116     0.888 0.386  
#>  9 temp         -0.542     0.736     -0.736 0.471  
#> 10 (Intercept)  64.1      18.8        3.41  0.00312
#> # … with 62 more rows

reprex 包于 2021-03-04 创建(v1.0.0)

于 2021-03-05T06:59:50.107 回答