
I want to offer a backup storage service for some of my friends. I have a QNAP nas and want to make it accessable across the internet so my friends can backup their files on it.

I think rsync is the best protocol for this. But I want to know how to make it secure. I can start the rsync server and configure my router to forward the port, but then the data goes across the net unencrypted. I can use ssh instead. But how do I set things up so that they cannot login to the machine, or at least, not be able to see the files that others have stored on there? I basically want to sandbox them.

I've been searching the net a lot and have found plenty of information about setting up your personal rsync server to backup your personal stuff. But I have not been able to find anything about the usecase I described above.


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您不需要设置 rsync 服务器 (rsyncd) - 您可以只使用 ssh(默认情况下用于 rsync)并且 rsync 将被自动处理。在您的服务器上为每个用户创建一个帐户,然后他们可以备份为,例如

$ rsync -av /path/to/local/files username@your_server:path/to/backups/

因此,除了创建用户帐户之外,您需要做的就是为传入的 ssh 流量打开端口 22。

于 2014-03-28T11:14:34.557 回答