I'm trying to solve a MIP using the SCIP command line, with the problem input in CPLEX LP format. However, due to large number of variables, the optimization is taking a lot of time. Is there some way to compute the LP Relaxtion solution of the same MIP in SCIP?

Or any other way to get an approximate, somewhat suboptimal solution?


1 回答 1


如果您只是对 LP 松弛感兴趣,您应该尝试使用SoPlex来解决您的问题。如果您想限制 SCIP 中的计算时间,您可以设置节点限制、解决方案限制、目标限制、时间限制或这些的组合。set/limits/您可以在交互式 shell中找到这些设置

于 2014-03-28T14:34:54.663 回答