I'm creating a "Field.choice" in django that define the priority statuses available for items. When I try to display an item, I'm stuck with the constants (in CAP) when I'd like to display/ use the human-readable name.
For instance, an Item with the priority (MAITRISE, u'Maitrisé') with be displayed as MAI (value of the constant MAITRISE) instead of 'Maitrisé'.
How do I change that? How can I choose which element of the tuplue (MAITRISE, u'Maitrisé') I want to use?
Here is my field choice (I add or change a priority status to an item)
priority = models.CharField(max_length = 50,choices=PRIORITY_CHOICE,default=PRIORITAIRE)
(MAITRISE, u'Maitrisé'),
(IMPORTANT, u'Important'),
(PRIORITAIRE, u'Prioritaire'),
The view
def display(request):
priority_scale = MemoryItem.PRIORITY_CHOICE
# Mixed list
mem_list = list(MemoryItem.objects.all().order_by('?'))
item = mem_list[0]
return render(request, 'memory/display.html',{
The template
<div class="row">
<!-- x,y tuple is like MAITRISE, u"maitrisé" avec MAITRISE = MAI -->
{% for x,y in priority_scale %}
<!-- if the priority status of the item match the current loop in priority scale list => button should be red -->
{% if y == item.priority %}
<div class="col-xs-2">
<a href=""><button class="btn btn-danger">{{y}}</button></a>
{% else %}
<div class="col-xs-2">
<a href=" {% url 'memory:change_priority' mem_id=item.id new_priority=x %}">
<button class="btn btn-primary">{{y}}</button></a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Sure it's basic skills but the documentation is a bit short on this