- 我在我的项目中包含了 math_utility_pkg.vhd、fixed_pkg_c.vhd 和 float_pkg_c.vhd 文件
- 我将它们分配给一个库(按照Compiling *.vhdl into a library, using Altera Quartus II中的说明中的说明)
- tried to compile them, first by setting my project's top entity as top entity and the second time by setting float_pkg_c.vhd as top entity
I'v encountered several issues:
- I'm not sure whether to use the ieee_proposed library name or floatfixlib, as the former is suggested in the documentation and the latter is used from within the package files
- When compiling, I keep getting errors from within the package files (e.g. "failed to elaborate call to subprogram "remainder"" and similar)
- There seem to be some dispute between the facts that the package file has the suffix _c, but it should be included without it (e.g. use FLOATFIXLIB.float_pkg.all;), I can't get to that error at this moment though
- 最后,当 float_pkg_c.vhd 设置为顶级实体时,编译器会生成此错误:“顶级设计实体“float_pkg_c”未定义”