我正在研究一个基本指令,该指令创建一个适合 Bootstrap 的 div 网格。您给它一个项目集合,并可选择指定它可以包含的列数。它是嵌入的,因此您可以定义为每个项目显示的模板。


 .directive('grid', [function() {
    return {
            restrict: 'AE',
            template: '<div class="row" ng-repeat="row in rows"><div ng-repeat="item in row" ng-class="{\'col-md-{{columnSpan}}\': true, \'active\': isSelected(item) }"><div class="thumbnail" ng-transclude=""></div></div></div>',
            transclude: true,
            scope: {
                items: '=grid',
                columns: '@',
                columnSpan: '@'
            controller: [
                '$scope', function($scope) {
            link: function($scope, $el, $attrs) {
                $attrs.$observe('columns', function(val) {
                    $scope.columns = val || 4;

                $attrs.$observe('columnSpan', function(val) {
                    $scope.columnSpan = val || 12 / $scope.columns;

                $scope.$watchCollection('items', function(items) {
                    $scope.rows = $scope.rows || [];
                    $scope.rows.length = 0;

                    if (!items) return;

                    var numRows = Math.floor(items.length / $scope.columns);
                    numRows = items.length % $scope.columns !== 0 ? numRows + 1 : numRows;

                    for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
                        var row = items.slice(i * $scope.columns, (i + 1) * $scope.columns);



<!-- addHello is defined on the controller scope. this doesn't work -->
<div grid="items" columns="3">
  {{addHello(item) || 'Undefined'}} (name is {{item.name}})


<!-- works, but ಠ_ಠ -->
<div grid="items" columns="3">
  {{$parent.$parent.$parent.$parent.addHello(item) || 'Undefined'}} (name is {{item.name}})


功能齐全的 plunk


1 回答 1


Use delegate pattern. The idea is to expose a customizable function in the directive and let the real action to be plugged in. The action will be triggered inside the transcluded scope calling the function belongs to the parent scope.

<div grid="items" columns="3" custom-action="addHello"> //addHello() belongs to the DemoCtrl's scope 
    {{doAction(item) || 'Undefined'}} (name is {{item.name}}) //doAction() belongs to the translcuded scope

And update the directive to something like this:

scope: {
    customAction: "&"
link: function($scope, $el, $attrs) {


    $scope.doAction = function(item){
        return $scope.customAction(item);


于 2014-03-27T01:52:24.147 回答