I am using TRAMP to connect remotely to the servers where the source tree is. I havent figured a way to build eTags for the tree "relative" to the remote server. Meaning, the server might look like: /ssh:server1:/home/user/tree

Looking up eTags from inside emacs looks for the directory: /home/user/tree instead.

Any pointers how this could be fixed?


1 回答 1


不久前,我也遇到了这个问题;我还没有找到一个完全通用的解决方案,但你可能会在我为完成这项工作而编写的 Perl 脚本中找到一些价值,这在当时服务于我公认的简单目的。

于 2014-03-31T15:06:33.160 回答