已解决...我正在尝试获取分组图形的几何形状,如果不将graphic.attributes.baseGraphic 添加到我必须创建的新图形中,我似乎无法获得x 和y。有问题的代码具有定义问题部分的“***”字符。
handleMouseOver: function(evt) {
var graphic = evt.graphic;
var latlon = evt.graphic.geometry;
//alert('x =' + latlon.x + 'y =' + latlon.y);
if (graphic.symbol.type == 'textsymbol' || graphic.symbol.type == 'simplelinesymbol') {
if (graphic.attributes) {
if (graphic.attributes.baseGraphic && graphic.attributes.baseGraphic.task) {
if (graphic.attributes.isCluster) { //cluster mouse over
if (graphic.attributes.clustered) {
for (var i = 0; i < graphic.attributes.clusterSize; i++)
x = graphic.attributes[i].baseGraphic.geometry.x;
y = graphic.attributes[i].baseGraphic.geometry.y;
//alert('x=' + x + 'y=' + y);
if (graphic.task) {
} else { //single marker or cluster flare mouse over
if (graphic.attributes.baseGraphic) { //cluster flare
graphic.clusterGraphics = [];
//alert('x =' + latlon.x + 'y =' + latlon.y);
var cSize = graphic.attributes.clusterSize;
var lineSymbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new dojo.Color([0, 0, 0, 1]), 1);
//polyline used to "tie" flare to cluster
//set up initially with the center pt of the cluster as the first point and a dummy point @ 0,0 for a placeholder
var line = new esri.geometry.Polyline(map.spatialReference);
line.addPath([graphic.geometry, new esri.geometry.Point(0, 0)]);
//polyline graphic
var lineGraphic = new esri.Graphic(line, lineSymbol);
//creating a circle to evenly distribute our flare graphics around
if (cSize > 1 && cSize <= this._flareLimit) { //cSize > 1 may not be needed
//takes the number of points (flares) for the cluster
var numPoints = graphic.attributes.clusterSize;
//takes the pixel distance from the center of the graphic to flare out the graphics
var bufferDistance = this.getPixelDistanceFromCenter(graphic.geometry);
//center of cluster graphic
var centerPoint = graphic.geometry;
//variables used to plot points evenly around the cluster
var dblSinus, dblCosinus, x, y, pt, ptGraphic, p, l;
***for (var i = 0; i < graphic.attributes.clusterSize; i++) {
//constructing the flare graphic point
//pt = new esri.geometry.Point(x, y, this._map.spatialReference)
//ptGraphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, this.symbolBank.single, dojo.mixin(graphic.attributes[i], { baseGraphic: graphic }), this._infoTemplate);
x = graphic.attributes[i].baseGraphic.geometry.x;
y = graphic.attributes[i].baseGraphic.geometry.y;***
//constructing the flare graphic point
//pt = new esri.geometry.Point(x, y, this._map.spatialReference)
//ptGraphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, this.symbolBank.single, dojo.mixin(graphic.attributes[i], { baseGraphic: graphic }), this._infoTemplate);
//alert('pt.x=' + pt.x + 'pt.y=' + pt.y )
//try to always bring flare graphic to front of everything else
p = this.add(ptGraphic);
//reset our 0,0 placeholder point in line to the actual point of the recently created flare graphic
line.setPoint(0, 1, pt);
lineGraphic = new esri.Graphic(line, lineSymbol, { baseGraphic: graphic });
//try to always have connector line behind everything else
l = this.add(lineGraphic);
//store flare graphic and connector graphic
//set "clustered" flag
graphic.attributes.clustered = true;