您有一个带有 、 和 属性的id项目parentid列表messageparentid引用同一列表中的其他项目。嵌套级别没有限制。你将如何实现这一点?


var data = [
        id: 1,
        parentid: 0,
        message: "I'm 1, and I have no parent."
    }, {
        id: 2,
        parentid: 1,
        message: "I'm 2, and 1 is my parent."
    }, {
        id: 3,
        parentid: 1,
        message: "I'm 3, and 1 is my parent."
    }, {
        id: 4,
        parentid: 0,
        message: "I'm 4, and I have no parent."
    }, {
        id: 5,
        parentid: 1,
        message: "I'm 5, and 2 is my parent."


        I'm 1, and I have no parent.
                I'm 2, and 1 is my parent.
                        I'm 5, and 2 is my parent.
                I'm 3, and 1 is my parent.
        I'm 4, and I have no parent.




1 回答 1


With ractive.js, you could use javascript to filter the array using a partial and an expression helper function (see http://jsfiddle.net/pUf5P/1/ for full example)


{{# { index: 0 } }}
{{/ }}

<!-- {{>lister}} -->
  {{# filter(list, .index) }}
      {{# { index: id } }}
      {{/ }}
  {{/ }}
<!-- {{/lister}} -->


new Ractive({
    el: 'body',
    template: '#template',
    data: { 
        list: data,
        filter: function(list, parent){
            return list.filter(function(item){
                return item.parentid === parent

Or for a pure template solution (see http://jsfiddle.net/pUf5P/2/), you can do:

{{# { index: 0 } }}
{{/ }}

<!-- {{>lister}} -->
    {{# .parentid === index}}
      {{# { index: .id } }}  
      {{/ }}   
    {{ /}}
  {{/list }}
<!-- {{/lister}} -->

UPDATE: I know you wanted to do this "Without looping through the whole array, building a new one", but realize that you are looping through the whole array at each level to find the matching children. You don't need to build a hierarchical structure, just bucket the items based on parent id (see http://jsfiddle.net/pUf5P/3/):

var byParent = {}
    if(!byParent[item.parentid]){ byParent[item.parentid] = [] }

Then use a variant of the above template strategy:

{{# { index: 0 } }}
{{/ }}

<!-- {{>lister}} -->
    {{# { list: byParent[index]} }}
      <li> {{(.message)}}
        {{# { index: .id } }}
        {{/ }}            
    {{/ }}

<!-- {{/lister}} -->
于 2014-03-27T22:14:05.360 回答