Form myForm = clsUIMethods.CreateFormInstance(iObjectAppId, sObjName, sFormCaption, sKey, toolCategory, sAccessibleDefaultActionDescription);
public Form CreateFormInstance(int objectAppID, string formName, string formCaption, string formTag, string accessibleName, string accessibleDefaultActionDescription)
Assembly myAssembly = null;
VersionInfo clsAssemblyInfo = GetAssemblyInfo(objectAppID);
if (clsAssemblyInfo == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot open " + formCaption + ".\nPlease Check Your Application Menu Rights.", new Exception("Could not Load Assembly for : " + formName + "."));
formName = clsAssemblyInfo.NameSpace + "." + formName;
if (objectAppID == 0)
myAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
else if (objectAppID > 5000) //AppID above 5000 are for supporting projects
myAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(string.Format("{0}\\{1}.dll", Application.StartupPath, clsAssemblyInfo.AssemblyName));
myAssembly = Assembly.Load(clsAssemblyInfo.AssemblyName);
throw new Exception("Application file not Found.\nPlease Contact " + AppInstance.Name + " Co-ordinator.", new Exception("Could not Load Assembly for : " + clsAssemblyInfo.ApplicationName + "."));
//if (!clsAssemblyInfo.CheckVersionAtLogin)
// if (GetAssemblyVersion(myAssembly) != clsAssemblyInfo.Version)
// {
// throw new Exception("Object cannot be opened.\nYou are Running an Application of Different Version.", new Exception("Version mismatch for the Application : " + clsAssemblyInfo.ApplicationName + "."));
// }
int iOverrideVersionControl = 0;
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OverrideVersionControl"] != null)
iOverrideVersionControl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OverrideVersionControl"].ToInt32();
catch { }
if (iOverrideVersionControl != 1)
if (clsAssemblyInfo.CurrentAssemblyVersion != clsAssemblyInfo.Version)
if (!clsAssemblyInfo.AllowOldVersion)
throw new Exception("Screen cannot be opened.\nYou are Running an Application of Different Version.", new Exception("Version mismatch for the Application : " + clsAssemblyInfo.ApplicationName + "."));
if (DisplayMessages("The application version of the screen being opened is different than the release version.\nDo you wish to continue ?", MessageStyle.YesNo, "Version mismatch for the Application : " + clsAssemblyInfo.ApplicationName + ".") == MessageResult.No)
throw new Exception("OLDVERSION");
//if (objectAppID == 0)
// myAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
// try
// {
// myAssembly = Assembly.Load(clsAssemblyInfo.AssemblyName);
// }
// catch
// {
// throw new Exception("File not Found.\nPlease Contact " + AppInstance.Name + " Co-ordinator.", new Exception("Could not Load Assembly for : " + clsAssemblyInfo.ApplicationName + "."));
// }
// if (!clsAssemblyInfo.CheckVersionAtLogin)
// {
// if (GetAssemblyVersion(myAssembly) != clsAssemblyInfo.Version)
// {
// throw new Exception("Object cannot be opened.\nYou are Running an Application of Different Version.", new Exception("Version mismatch for the Application : " + clsAssemblyInfo.ApplicationName + "."));
// }
// }
// //string str = myAssembly.ImageRuntimeVersion;
// //FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\" + assemblyName);
// //if (fileInfo.Exists)
// //myAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(fileInfo.FullName);
// //else
// // throw new Exception("File Not Found.\nPlease Contact " + AppInstance.Name + " Co-ordinator.", new Exception("Could not Load Assembly : " + assemblyName + "."));
//myAssembly.GetName().CultureInfo = glMod.GetCultureInfo();
Form myForm = myAssembly.CreateInstance(formName, true) as Form;
if (myForm != null)
MainForm.Instance.AskBeforeClosingForm = true;
if (formCaption != string.Empty)
myForm.Text = formCaption;
myForm.Tag = formTag;
myForm.AccessibleName = accessibleName;
myForm.AccessibleDefaultActionDescription = accessibleDefaultActionDescription;
myForm.KeyPreview = true;
return myForm;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
throw new NullReferenceException("nullref test muh sa");