我一直在浏览 JAX-WS RI 文档并遇到了非 Java EE 5 servlet 和 Java EE 5 servlet 容器这两个术语。
The documentation/samples discusses how to use JAX-WS in a non-Java EE 5 servlet container using a proprietary deployment descriptor sun-jaxws.xml and servlet com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServlet. This means that you can run JAX-WS RI applications in any servlet container that has been enabled with the JAX-WS RI. Applications that use the proprietary DD and servlet will run in a JAX-WS RI enabled Java EE 5 servlet container, but they will be non-portable. If you wish to use JAX-WS in a Java EE container in a Java EE portable manner you need to use the standard Java EE 5 deployment descriptor; please refer to the Java EE 5 or Glassfish documentation/samples
那么非 Java EE 5 servlet 和 Java EE 5 servlet 容器到底是什么?是因为java和servlet规范版本不同吗?