
Single image is uploading perfectly using following interface
    public void updateProfileWithImage(
                    @Part("user_id") TypedString first_name,
                    @Part ("image") TypedFile image, 
                    Callback<WebResponse> callback);

2 回答 2


您可以使用 @MultiPart Post 和@PartMap 作为参数

Map<String, TypedFile> files = new HashMap<String, TypedFile>();
files.put("my file number one", new TypedFile("image/jpg", new File(filename)));
files.put("my file number two", new TypedFile("image/jpg", new File(filename)));

apiInterface.updateProfileWithImage("first name here", files);

private interface ApiInterface{
    Response updateProfileWithImage(
     @Part("user_id") TypedString first_name,
     @PartMap Map<String,TypedFile> Files

于 2014-11-04T12:42:04.997 回答

Retrofit 2.0 + OkHttp 3

Interface declaration:

Call<Void> upload(@Body MultipartBody filePart);

Creating MultiPartBody:

MultipartBody.Builder requestBodyBuilder = new MultipartBody.Builder()

then for each file(you can also add custom fields)

requestBodyBuilder.addFormDataPart("extraImage[]", "photo.jpg",
                            RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("image/jpeg"), byteArrayOrFile));

and finally


P.S. you can add custom form fields (for example client.name) to the same form with

requestBodyBuilder.addFormDataPart("client[name]", null, RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), name))


requestBodyBuilder.addFormDataPart("client[name]", name)) 

Retrofit 1.9:

You can use MultipartTypedOutput to post variable number of multi-part parameters.

In addition to François' answer, to post multiple images with the same / repeating field name(as an array) in retrofit you can use MultipartTypedOutput

Method signature:

SomeResponse upload(@Body MultipartTypedOutput output);


MultipartTypedOutput multipartTypedOutput = new MultipartTypedOutput();
multipartTypedOutput.addPart("mainImage", new TypedFile("image/jpeg", mainImage));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart("extraImage[]", new TypedFile("image/jpeg", file1));
multipartTypedOutput.addPart("extraImage[]", new TypedFile("image/jpeg", file2));

Square brackets

Please note that some server side frameworks(Rails) typically require square brackets(i.e. extraImage[] instead of extraImage), others don't (Spring MVC).

于 2015-08-28T15:55:58.400 回答