

type Animal = Pig of string | Cow of string | Fish of string

let animals = [Pig "Mike"; Pig "Sarah"; Fish "Eve"; Cow "Laura"; Pig "John"]

let rec filterAnimals animalType animals =
    if animals = [] then
        let rest = filterAnimals animalType (List.tail animals)
        match List.head animals with
        |animalType animal -> animal::rest // <- this doesn't work
        |_ -> rest

printfn "%A" (filterAnimals Pig animals)

5 回答 5





type Animal = Pig  | Cow  | Fish
type Pet = Animal * string

let animals = [(Pig, "Mike"); (Fish, "Eve"); (Pig, "Romeo")

使用这种类型,过滤掉非Pigs 是单行的:

animals |> List.filter (fst >> (=) Pig) 


type Pet = Animal * string option


于 2014-03-26T11:26:01.247 回答


let rec filterAnimals (|IsAnimalType|_|) animals =
    if animals = [] then
        let rest = filterAnimals (|IsAnimalType|_|) (List.tail animals)
        match List.head animals with
        | IsAnimalType animal -> animal::rest
        | _ -> rest


let (|IsPig|_|) candidate =
    match candidate with
    | Pig(_) -> Some candidate
    | _ -> None

您可以像这样调用函数(FSI 示例):

> filterAnimals (|IsPig|_|) animals;;
val it : Animal list = [Pig "Mike"; Pig "Sarah"; Pig "John"]


let (|IsPig|_|) = function | Pig(x) -> Some(Pig(x)) | _ -> None


> filterAnimals (function | Pig(x) -> Some(Pig(x)) | _ -> None) animals;;
val it : Animal list = [Pig "Mike"; Pig "Sarah"; Pig "John"]
> filterAnimals (function | Fish(x) -> Some(Fish(x)) | _ -> None) animals;;
val it : Animal list = [Fish "Eve"]
> filterAnimals (function | Cow(x) -> Some(Cow(x)) | _ -> None) animals;;
val it : Animal list = [Cow "Laura"]
于 2014-03-26T10:11:53.527 回答


type AnimalType = Pig  | Cow  | Fish
type Animal = Animal of AnimalType * string

let animals = [Animal (Pig, "Mike"); Animal (Pig, "Sarah"); Animal (Fish, "Eve"); Animal (Cow, "Laura"); Animal (Pig, "John")]

let rec filterAnimals animalType animals =
    if animals = [] then
        let rest = filterAnimals animalType (List.tail animals)
        match List.head animals with
        | Animal (x, animal) when x = animalType -> animal::restwork
        |_ -> rest

printfn "%A" (filterAnimals Pig animals)

或者,您可以只使用一个元组AnimalType * string



type Animal = 
    | Person of string * string 
    | Pig of string 
    | Cow of string 
    | Fish of string

let animals = [Pig "Mike"; Pig "Sarah"; Fish "Eve"; Cow "Laura"; Pig "John"]

let rec filterAnimals animalType animals =
    if animals = [] then
        let rest = filterAnimals animalType (List.tail animals)
        match List.head animals with
        | x when animalType.GetType() = x.GetType() -> x::rest
        |_ -> rest

printfn "%A" (filterAnimals (Pig "") animals)


即使您决定采用这种结构,我也宁愿使用内置的过滤器功能,请参阅@polkduran 提出的解决方案。

于 2014-03-26T10:05:48.420 回答

Just for completeness, I'll list this solution.
If you quoted your input, you'd be able to reason about the names of the tags:

open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations

type Animal = Pig of string | Cow of string | Fish of string

let isAnimal (animalType : Expr) (animal : Expr) =
    match animal with
        | NewUnionCase(at, _) ->
            match animalType with
                | Lambda (_, NewUnionCase (aatt, _)) -> aatt.Name = at.Name
                | _ -> false
        | _ -> false

let animal = <@ Pig "Mike" @>
isAnimal <@ Pig @> animal  // True
isAnimal <@ Cow @> animal  // False

This is admittedly quite verbose though, and it would become even more so if you wanted to quote a list instead of a single value.

A slightly different version, where we quote only the animal type, would let you easily filter lists of animals, as you need (at the price of some questionable comparison of strings):

open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations

type Animal = Pig of string | Cow of string | Fish of string

let isAnimal (animalType : Expr) animal =
    match animalType with
        | Lambda (_, NewUnionCase (aatt, _)) -> animal.ToString().EndsWith(aatt.Name)
        | _ -> false

let animal = Pig "Mike"  // No quote now, so we can process Animal lists easily
isAnimal <@ Pig @> animal  // True
isAnimal <@ Cow @> animal  // False

let animals = [Pig "Mike"; Pig "Sarah"; Fish "Eve"; Cow "Laura"; Pig "John"]
let pigs = animals |> List.filter (isAnimal <@ Pig @>)

The latter version is not really superior to passing the tag name as a string.

于 2014-03-26T11:44:17.537 回答

This does not answer your question directly but suggests an alternative way to achieve what you want. You could filter your list using the existing high order function List.filter and pattern matching:

let pigs = animals |> List.filter (function |Pig(_)-> true |_->false ) 

I think this is a more idiomatic approach: you filter your list using a pattern, in this case you filter your animals keeping only those who satisfy the pattern Pig(_).

于 2014-03-26T12:37:09.567 回答