:) 我正在尝试将输入文件(当前为英文)的音译反转回其原始形式(印地语)的过程
E-k- b-u-d-z*dhi-m-aan- p-ksii#
E-k- ghn-e- j-ngg-l- m-e-ng E-k- b-h-u-t- UUNNc-aa p-e-dr thaa#
U-s- k-ii p-t-z*t-o-ng s-e- l-d-ii shaakhaay-e-ng m-j-*zb-uut- b-aaj-u-O-ng k-ii t-r-h- pheil-ii h-u-II thiing#
w-n- h-NNs-o-ng k-aa E-k- jhu-nhz*D- I-s- p-e-dr p-r- n-i-w-aas- k-r-t-aa thaa#
w-e- s-b- y-h-aaNN s-u-r-ksi-t- the- AUr- b-dre- AAr-aam- s-e- r-h-t-e- the-#
U-n- m-e-ng s-e- E-k- p-ksii b-h-u-t- b-u-d-z*dhi-m-aan- thaa#
I-s- b-u-d-z*dhi-m-aan- p-ksii n-e- E-k- d-i-n- p-e-dr k-ii j-dr m-e-ng s-e- E-k- l-t-aa k-o- U-g-t-e- d-e-khaa#
I-s- k-e- b-aar-e- m-e-ng U-s-n-e- d-uus-r-e- p-ksi-y-o-ng s-e- b-aat- k-ii#
"k-z*y-aa t-u-m-z*h-e-ng w-h- l-t-aa d-i-khaaII d-e-t-ii h-ei", U-s- n-e- U-n- s-e- p-uuchaa "t-u-m-z*h-e-ng I-s-e- n-Shz*T- k-r- d-e-n-aa c-aah-i-E-"#
"I-s-e- k-z*y-o-ng n-Shz*T- k-r- d-e-n-aa c-aah-i-E-?" h-NNs-o-ng n-e- AAshz*c-*ry- s-e- p-uuchaa "y-h- t-o- I-t-n-ii cho-T-ii s-e- h-ei#
h-m-e-ng y-h- k-z*y-aa h-aan-i- p-h-u-NNc-aa s-k-t-ii h-ei"#
"m-e-r-e- m-i-tro-ng," b-u-d-z*dhi-m-aan- p-ksii n-e- U-t-z*t-r- d-i-y-aa "w-h- cho-T-ii s-ii l-t-aa j-l-z*d-ii h-ii b-drii h-o- j-aay-e-g-ii#
y-h- h-m-aar-e- p-e-dr p-r- c-Dh*z k-r- U-s- s-e- l-i-p-T-t-ii j-aay-e-g-ii AUr- phi-r- m-o-T-ii AUr- m-j-*zb-uut- h-o- j-aay-e-g-ii"#
"t-o- k-z*y-aa h-u-AA"#
Deep in the forest stood a very tall tree.
Its leafy branches spread out like long arms.
This was the home of a flock of wild geese.
They were safe there.
One of the geese was a wild old bird.
One day this wise old bird noticed a small creeper growing at the foot of the tree.
He spoke to the other birds about it.
"Do you see that creeper ?" he said to them.
"You must destroy it."
"Why must we destroy it ?" asked the geese in surprise.
"It is so small.
What harm can it do?"
"My friends," replied the wise old bird, " that little creeper will soon grow.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import sys
CODEC = 'utf-8'
f1 = open(output_file,'w')
english_hindi_dict={'A' : u'अ' , 'AA' : u'आ ' , 'I' : u'इ' , 'II' : u'ई ' , 'U' : u'उ ' ,\
'UU' : u'ऊ' , 'r' : u'ऋ' , 'E' : u'ए' , 'ai' : u'ऐ' , 'O' : u'ओ' , 'AU' : u'औ' ,\
'k' : u'क' , 'kh' : u'ख' , 'g' : u'ग' , 'gh' : u'घ' , 'c' : u'च' , 'ch' : u'छ',\
'j': u'ज' , 'jh' : u'झ' , 'tr' : u'त्र' , 'T' : u'ट' , 'Th' : u'ठ' , 'D' : u'ड',\
'dr' : u'ड' , 'Dh' : u'ढ' , 'Na' : u'ण' , 'th' : u'त' , 'tha' : u'थ',\
'd' : u'द' , 'dh': u'ध' , 'n' : u'न' , 'p' : u'प' , 'ph' : u'फ' ,\
'b' : u'ब' , 'bh' : u'भ' , 'm' : u'म' , 'y' : u'य' , 'r' : u'र' , 'l' : u'ल' ,\
'w' : u'व' , 'sh' : u'श' , 'sha' : u'ष', 's' : u'स' , 'h' : u'ह' , 'ks' : u'क्ष' ,\
'i' : u'ि' , 'ii' : u'ी' , 'u' : u'ु' , 'uu' : u'ू' , 'e' : u'े' ,\
'aa' : u'ै' , 'o' : u'ो' , 'AU' : u'ौ' ,'H' : u'्' ,'mn' : u'ं' ,\
'NN' : u'ँ' , 'AW' : u'ॅ' , 'rr' : u'ृ' , '4' : u'४' , '6': u'६' , '8' : u'८',\
'2' : u'२' , '5' : u'५' , '3' : u'३' , '7' : u'७' , '9' : u'९' , '1' : u'१'}
for line in f:
#line=line.strip() to remove a line from its newline character....
line=line.replace('#','|') # i am using the or symbol for poornviram
#line = line.lower()
for word in line:
for ch in word:
if (ch in english_hindi_dict) :
translatedToken = english_hindi_dict[ch]
else :
translatedToken = ch
#{ translatedToken = english_hindi_dict[ch] }
#for ch in line:
#print translatedToken
#line = line.replace( char,english_hindi_dict[char] )
f1.write(' '.join(list1))
python transliterate_eh_nw.py Hstory.txt op1.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "transliterate_eh_nw.py", line 43, in <module>
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u092f' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)