I have some segment of code I want to profile on many different inputs (~1000) so it doesn't make sense to manually run each test and save the results. I'm using yourkit in combination with Eclipse to profile. Is there any way to create "new sessions" for profiling? I want to be able to separate each run so that would make the most sense.
2 回答
使用yourkit API,您可以通过以下方式执行此操作:
public void profile(String host, int port, List<InputData> inputDataSet) {
Map<InputData, String> pathMap = new HashMap<InputData, String>(); //If you want to save the location of each file
//Init profiling data collection
com.yourkit.api.Controller controller = new Controller(host, port);
controller.startCPUSampling(/*with your settings*/);
controller.startAllocationRecording(/*With your settings*/);
//controller.startXXX with whatever data you want to collect
for (InputData input: inputDataSet) {
//Run your test
//Save profiling data
String path = controller.captureSnapshot(/*With or without memory dump*/);
pathMap.put(input, path);
//Clear yourkit profiling data
//controller.clearXXX with whatever data you are collecting
不幸的是,目前尚不清楚如何运行测试。每个测试是在自己的 JVM 进程中运行还是在单个 JVM 中循环运行所有测试?
如果您在自己的 JVM 中运行每个测试,那么您需要 1) 使用分析器代理运行 JVM,即使用 -agentpath 选项(详细信息在此处http://www.yourkit.com/docs/java/help/agent.jsp)。2) 指定您在 JVM 启动时分析的内容(代理选项“采样”、“跟踪”等) 3) 在 JVM 退出时捕获快照文件(“onexit”代理选项)。
如果您在单个 JVM 中运行所有测试,您可以使用分析器 API http://www.yourkit.com/docs/java/help/api.jsp在测试开始之前开始分析并在测试完成后捕获快照。您需要使用 com.yourkit.api.Controller 类。