cx_Oracle API was very fast for me until I tried to work with CLOB values.
I do it as follows:
import time
import cx_Oracle
num_records = 100
con = cx_Oracle.connect('user/password@sid')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.prepare("insert into table_clob (msg_id, message) values (:msg_id, :msg)")
cur.bindarraysize = num_records
msg_arr = cur.var(cx_Oracle.CLOB, arraysize=num_records)
text = '$'*2**20 # 1 MB of text
rows = []
start_time = time.perf_counter()
for id in range(num_records):
msg_arr.setvalue(id, text)
rows.append( (id, msg_arr) ) # ???
print('{} records prepared, {:.3f} s'
.format(num_records, time.perf_counter() - start_time))
start_time = time.perf_counter()
cur.executemany(None, rows)
print('{} records inserted, {:.3f} s'
.format(num_records, time.perf_counter() - start_time))
The main problem worrying me is performance:
100 records prepared, 25.090 s - Very much for copying 100MB in memory! 100 records inserted, 23.503 s - Seems to be too much for 100MB over network.
The problematic step is
msg_arr.setvalue(id, text)
. If I comment it, script takes just milliseconds to complete (inserting null into CLOB column of course).Secondly, it seems to be weird to add the same reference to CLOB variable in
array. I found this example in internet, and it works correctly but do I do it right?Are there ways to improve performance in my case?
UPDATE: Tested network throughput: a 107 MB file copies in 11 s via SMB to the same host. But again, network transfer is not the main problem. Data preparation takes abnormally much time.