i have a searchfield on my page and this searchfield should search over more than one indice. I can search for one indice without a problem, like described in the documentation of spring-data-elasticsearch.

But if i search, as example for "Foo", i want to have the following list as result ordered by relevance:

{ title: "Foo" } -> Entity: Sample
{ name: "FooTest" } -> Entity: Test
{ title: "FooSample2" } -> Entity: Sample
// ...and so on
// The entities are not part of the same parent. So, they are complete different.

For this i couldn't find anything in documentation that would help me.

can anybody help?


final SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery())
                .withIndices("game-index", "lets-play-index", "video-index", "genre-index", "platform-index", "user-index")
                .withPageable(new PageRequest(0, 10))

            // when
            final Page<SearchResult> sampleEntities = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForPage(searchQuery, SearchResult.class, new SearchResultMapper() {

                public <T> FacetedPage<T> mapResults(
                                                        final SearchResponse response,
                                                        final Class<T> clazz,
                                                        final Pageable pageable) {
                        .debug("TotalHits: " + response.getHits()

                    final long totalHits = response.getHits()
                    final List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>();
                    for (final SearchHit hit : response.getHits()) {
                        if (hit != null) {
                            final T result = null;
                             * if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(hit.sourceAsString()))
                             * { result = mapEntity(hit.sourceAsString(),
                             * clazz); } else { result =
                             * mapEntity(hit.getFields() .values(), clazz); }
                            // setPersistentEntityId(result, hit.getId(),
                            // clazz);
                    final List<FacetResult> facets = new ArrayList<FacetResult>();
                    if (response.getFacets() != null) {
                        for (final Facet facet : response.getFacets()) {
                            final FacetResult facetResult = DefaultFacetMapper.parse(facet);
                            if (facetResult != null) {

                    return new FacetedPageImpl<T>(results, pageable, totalHits, facets);


the response inside of SearchResultMapper is the follwing:

  "took" : 5,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 30,
    "successful" : 30,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 0,
    "max_score" : null,
    "hits" : [ ]

if i do a simple search with this:

final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);

            final SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(getQueryBuilderForQuery(query))
            final List<?> results = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForList(searchQuery, clazz);

it works and i get many results. that means my index is working.

i have definitly no idea what i can do. thanks a lot.


1 回答 1





    public void shouldTestResultsAcrossMultipleIndices() {
    // given
    String documentId1 = randomNumeric(5);
    SampleEntity sampleEntity1 = new SampleEntityBuilder(documentId1).message("some message")

    IndexQuery indexQuery1 = new IndexQueryBuilder().withId(sampleEntity1.getId())

    String documentId2 = randomNumeric(5);
    SampleEntity sampleEntity2 = new SampleEntityBuilder(documentId2).message("some test message")

    IndexQuery indexQuery2 = new IndexQueryBuilder().withId(sampleEntity2.getId())

    elasticsearchTemplate.bulkIndex(Arrays.asList(indexQuery1, indexQuery2));
    elasticsearchTemplate.refresh("test-index-1", true);
    elasticsearchTemplate.refresh("test-index-2", true);

    SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
            .withIndices("test-index-1", "test-index-2")
    // when
    List<SampleEntity> sampleEntities = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForList(searchQuery, SampleEntity.class);
    // then
    assertThat(sampleEntities.size(), is(equalTo(2)));

如果您在索引中有不同的结构,那么您可以使用下面的 elasticsearchTemplate 方法

  Page<T> queryForPage(SearchQuery query, Class<T> clazz, SearchResultMapper mapper);

还迷茫吗?很高兴能帮助你 :-)

于 2014-03-27T17:06:36.693 回答