I'm currently following the Happstack lite tutorial from their website. http://happstack.com/page/view-page-slug/9/happstack-lite-tutorial
Right now, I'm implementing the echo
function, and the compiler is giving me an error message that I don't really understand. Here's my code:
echo :: ServerPart Response
echo =
path $ \(msg :: String) ->
ok $ template "echo" $ do
h1 "Echo service"
p "Giant, Haskell style Papagallo"
p msg
And here's the error message:
Couldn't match type `[Char]' with `Text.Blaze.Internal.MarkupM ()'
Expected type: Html
Actual type: String
In the first argument of `p', namely `msg'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: p msg
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`do { h1 "Echo service";
p "Giant, Haskell style Papagallo";
p msg }'
I thought that a quote-enclosed "thing", like the
"Giant, Haskell style Papagallo"
was a string. Yet, from what I understand from the compiler error, p
will not accept a string as argument. Can someone explain this to me?