我在 MAC 上运行它,正在创建 xml 文件,但数据没有写入文件中。请,请帮助。谢谢



     * @source
    $xml->docTitle('My Demo Doc');
    $xml->docAuthor('Robert F Greer');

     * Choose to show any formatting/input errors on a seperate sheet

     * Show the style options
    $format1 = $xml->addStyle('left_rotate60_big');

    $format2 = $xml->addStyle('verticaltext_left');

    $format3 = $xml->addStyle('wraptext_top');

     * Create a new sheet with the XML document
    $sheet1 = $xml->addSheet('Alignment');
     * Add three new cells of type String with difference alignment values.
     * Notice that the style of the each cell can be explicity named or the style
     * reference can be passed.
    $sheet1->writeString(1,2,'vertical left','verticaltext_left');
    $sheet1->writeString(1,3,'this text has been wrapped and is aligned at the top','wraptext_top');
    $sheet1->writeString(1,4,'No style applied');

    $sheet2 = $xml->addSheet('Formulas');
     * Wrote three numbers.
     * Rows 4 and 5 show the formulas in R1C1 notation using the writeFormula()
     * function.
     * Also see how comments are added.
    $sheet2->addComment(4,2,'Here is my formula: =SUM(R[-3]C:R[-1]C)','My NAME');
    $sheet2->addComment(5,2,'Here is my formula: =SUM(R1C1:R3C2)');

    $sheet4 = $xml->addSheet('more formatting');
    $format4 = $xml->addStyle('my style');
    $mydate = $sheet4->convertMysqlDateTime('2008-02-14 19:30:00');
    // Change the row1 height to 30 pixels
    $sheet4->writeString(2,1,'formatted text + cell color + merged + underlined',$format4);
    // Merge (2,1) with 4 columns to the right and 2 rows down

     * Send the headers, then output the data


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$xml->writeData([Path your file]);

如果 null返回 xml

于 2015-01-30T06:48:47.573 回答