我已经在 aws vpc 中的 redhat 6.4 ami 上部署了带有 2 个节点的 cassandra(1.2.15)。两个节点都在私有子网中。种子节点工作正常,但是当我在新节点中启动 cassandra 时,我的 9160 端口没有打开。我在新节点和 Listen_addess 和 rpc_addrss 选项的种子节点中给出了私有 IP。rpc_port 是 9160。现在请告诉我是什么导致了这个问题。提前致谢。
924 次
2 回答
创建 EC2 安全组页面上的信息可能会对您有所帮助。
为您的实例/集群找到安全组或从您的 EC2 仪表板创建一个新安全组:EC2 仪表板->网络和安全->安全组
Table 1. Public ports
Port number Source Description
22 SSH port
8888 OpsCenter website. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for HTTP requests coming directly from the browser.
Table 2. Cassandra inter-node ports
Port number Source Description
1024-65535 <Your-SG> JMX reconnection/loopback ports. See description for port 7199.
7000 <Your-SG> Cassandra inter-node cluster communication.
7199 <Your-SG> Cassandra JMX monitoring port. After the initial handshake, the JMX protocol requires that the client reconnects on a randomly chosen port (1024+).
9160 <Your-SG> Cassandra client port (Thrift).
Table 3. Cassandra OpsCenter ports
Port number Source Description
61620 <Your-SG> OpsCenter monitoring port. The opscenterd daemon listens on this port for TCP traffic coming from the agent.
61621 <Your-SG> OpsCenter agent port. The agents listen on this port for SSL traffic initiated by OpsCenter.
对于公共端口(22 和 8888),保留 Source 字段,其余部分输入您的安全组的名称<Your-SG
于 2014-03-23T22:33:37.300 回答
You should ensure that you've opened port 9160
in the Security Group assigned to your EC2 instance.
于 2014-03-24T01:55:04.293 回答