尝试从源代码构建Tangelo(这是第一次),我可以使用 Git Bash 和 ninja 完成 90% 的过程,但过程的最后部分不起作用。

将 cd 放入我的构建目录~/tangelo/buildninja使用 GitBash 运行,我收到以下错误:

$ ninja
[6/135] Installing phantomjs
FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd /D C:\Users\usr\tangelo\build && NPM_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND
install phantomjs
$ ninja
[6/132] Installing uglify-js
FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd /D C:\Users\usr\tangelo\build && NPM_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND
install uglify-js
'NPM_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
[6/132] Installing phantomjs
FAILED: cmd.exe /c cd /D C:\Users\usr\tangelo\build && NPM_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND
install phantomjs
'NPM_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
[6/132] Creating virtual Python environment
New python executable in C:/Users/usr/tangelo/build/venv\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools.................done.
Installing pip...................done.
Running virtualenv with interpreter c:/Python27/python.exe
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

我从这里安装了 Windows 节点(env var 设置为C:\nodejsnode.exe 所在的位置),重新启动后可以安装在上面的代码中显示错误的包(uglify-js 和 phantomjs)

问题是:任何想法如何让忍者理解我的节点/npm 安装?


2 回答 2



在运行 ninja 之前,我必须再次运行“cmake -G Ninja ../”命令。很明显,因为我在制作 cmake 构建文件后安装了节点。


于 2014-03-23T14:02:22.033 回答

Bonjour,效果 Tangelo sous Windows a quelques soucis 1) installe et active (running) node dans une fenetre de commandes 2) be carel, il semble dans '..\tangelo\build\node_modules.bin'(删除 bin 前的点)

ninja --< errors >-- "..\tangelo\build\tangelo\web" ... not of tangelo.js (???)
but in sdist ... finally tangelo.XXX.dev.zip (???)
in gitbash pip install this zip --> localhost:8080 --> surprise !!!
but all not seem allright ( for me, under Win8.1, portable)
于 2014-03-29T07:32:26.690 回答