I am using NFC shield v2.0 and it seems Sel0 and Sel1 pins are set for SPI mode and we cant change it (saw in schematic files). So is there any way to change the values on this pins via software(program) to make it to work for I2C mode?

and inDataExchange function is not a member of SPI.cpp library while it is in I2C.cpp library? is there any way to make HCE work with SPI mode?


1 回答 1


NFC Shield 上的 PN532 芯片支持的模式不依赖于用于通信的接口(至少在涉及 NFC 操作模式时)。因此,您应该能够像使用 I2C 接口一样通过 SPI 接口发送您想要的任何命令。

关于inDataExchange命令,这个命令似乎是在当前版本的库中实现的(参见github repo)。


于 2014-03-24T13:47:13.750 回答