在我的 CentOS 6.5 机器上使用vagrant-berkshelf时,我尝试将 7 指定为要安装的 Tomcat 版本:

    "tomcat" => {
      "base_version" => "7"

但是,当我尝试运行时vagrant provision,我遇到了一个错误:

[2014-03-21T18:23:50+00:00] ERROR: package[tomcat7] (tomcat::default line 45) 
       had an error: Chef::Exceptions::Package: No version specified, 
       and no candidate version available for tomcat7

此操作码“添加对 Tomcat7 的支持”错误标记为“已修复”,但仅显示为针对 Ubuntu 12.04 进行了测试。我不确定这是否意味着(a)它没有针对 CentOS 进行测试,或者(b)它从未针对 CentOS 被破坏。

我如何tomcat7在 Chef 的流浪盒子上使用?


4 回答 4



  1. 在 CentOS 上,tomcat 7 软件包 (7.0.33-3.el6) 位于 EPEL 中,简称为“tomcat”。
  2. 这个包目前是有问题的。[参见:https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1080195]较新的版本 (7.0.33-4.el6) 解决了这个问题,但目前它位于 epel-testing 存储库中。

见:https ://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/tomcat/pull/34

我的临时解决方案是编写一个包装器 Chef 配方,它通过包管理器安装 EPEL 存储库和错误修复 tomcat7 包。就像是:

cookbook "yum", "~> 3.2.0"
cookbook "yum-epel", "~> 0.3.6"

override['yum']['epel-testing']['enabled'] = true
package 'tomcat'
于 2014-06-13T05:40:08.963 回答

似乎 tomcat7 还没有在 centos6.5 的标准/epel 存储库中。

[root@secure36 rfridman]# cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)

[root@secure36 rfridman]# yum search tomcat
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirror.atlanticmetro.net
 * epel: mirror.symnds.com
 * extras: mirror.es.its.nyu.edu
 * updates: mirror.cogentco.com
==================================================================== N/S Matched: tomcat =====================================================================
tomcatjss.noarch : JSSE implementation using JSS for Tomcat
apache-tomcat-apis.noarch : Tomcat Servlet and JSP APIs
jakarta-commons-collections-tomcat5.noarch : Jakarta Commons Collection dependency for Tomcat5
jakarta-commons-dbcp-tomcat5.noarch : DBCP dependency for Tomcat5
jakarta-commons-pool-tomcat5.x86_64 : Pool dependency for Tomcat5
jglobus-ssl-proxies-tomcat.noarch : Globus Java - SSL and proxy certificate support for Tomcat
tomcat-admin-webapps.noarch : The host-manager and manager web applications for Apache Tomcat
tomcat-docs-webapp.noarch : The docs web application for Apache Tomcat
tomcat-javadoc.noarch : Javadoc generated documentation for Apache Tomcat
tomcat-jsp-2.2-api.noarch : Apache Tomcat JSP API implementation classes
tomcat-jsvc.noarch : Apache jsvc wrapper for Apache Tomcat as separate service
tomcat-lib.noarch : Libraries needed to run the Tomcat Web container
tomcat-native.x86_64 : Tomcat native library
tomcat-servlet-3.0-api.noarch : Apache Tomcat Servlet API implementation classes
tomcat-webapps.noarch : The ROOT and examples web applications for Apache Tomcat
tomcat6.noarch : Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 2.5/JSP 2.1 API
tomcat6-admin-webapps.noarch : The host-manager and manager web applications for Apache Tomcat
tomcat6-docs-webapp.noarch : The docs web application for Apache Tomcat
tomcat6-javadoc.noarch : Javadoc generated documentation for Apache Tomcat
tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api.noarch : Apache Tomcat JSP API implementation classes
tomcat6-lib.noarch : Libraries needed to run the Tomcat Web container
tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api.noarch : Apache Tomcat Servlet API implementation classes
tomcat6-webapps.noarch : The ROOT and examples web applications for Apache Tomcat
glite-security-trustmanager-tomcat6.noarch : Java trustmanager interface supporting a GSI grid name space
tomcat.noarch : Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 3.0/JSP 2.2 API
tomcat-el-2.2-api.noarch : Expression Language v1.0 API
tomcat6-el-2.1-api.noarch : Expression Language v1.0 API

您应该尝试从源代码编译 tomcat7,或者尝试找到包含 tomcat7 的存储库并将其添加到您的食谱配置中。

于 2014-03-23T12:30:39.117 回答

Tomcat 7 在您在那里显示的列表中。

yum info tomcat
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: centos.mirror.ndchost.com
 * epel: mirror.vcu.edu
 * extras: centos.sonn.com
 * updates: mirror.atlanticmetro.net
Available Packages
Name        : tomcat
Arch        : noarch
Version     : 7.0.33
Release     : 3.el6
Size        : 86 k
Repo        : epel
Summary     : Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 3.0/JSP 2.2 API
URL         : http://tomcat.apache.org/
License     : ASL 2.0
Description : Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference
            : Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
            : The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by
            : Sun under the Java Community Process.
            : Tomcat is developed in an open and participatory environment and
            : released under the Apache Software License version 2.0. Tomcat is intended
            : to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed developers from around the world.

问题出在 tomcat 食谱中。它正在寻找一个 tomcat7 包。

于 2014-04-03T15:45:47.800 回答

遇到同样的问题;我的“快速修复”:将 JPackage repo 用于 tomcat 7(它被称为 tomcat7,就像配方要求的那样)

于 2014-06-11T12:06:03.080 回答