我正在开发一个使用 'chrome.storage.local' 的 chrome 扩展,并试图从 chrome.storage.local.get() 异步函数中创建一个承诺,我希望能够从中抛出异常以及拒绝/解决。我已经尝试使用以下实现对此进行测试,但我看到控制台日志中的错误似乎来自“ readLocalStorageObj("prefs").then(function(item) {”行(错误显示在代码之后)。

function(Promise) {
    function readLocalStorageObj(itemName) {
        var localReadResult = Promise.method(function(item) {
            console.log("localReadResult():", item);
            // if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
            //  throw new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError);
            // }

            if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(item).length > 0) {
                console.log('in if part');
                return item;
            else {
                console.log('in else part');
                // throw new Error("my test exception");
                return undefined;

        chrome.storage.local.get(itemName, localReadResult);
        return localReadResult;

    readLocalStorageObj("prefs").then(function(item) {
        console.log('success', item);
    }, function(e) {
        console.log('fail', e);
    }).error(function(e) {
        console.log('error', e);
    }).catch(ChromeRuntimeError, function(e) {
        console.log('catch', e);
    }).finally(function(a) {
        console.log('finally', a);


未捕获的类型错误:对象函数 Promise$_method() { var value; switch(arguments.length) { case 0: value = tryCatch1(fn, this, void 0); 休息; 案例 1: value = tryCatch1(fn, this, arguments[0]); 休息; 案例……n'




1 回答 1


Try creating the promise like this:

function(Promise) {
    function readLocalStorageObj(itemName) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            chrome.storage.local.get(itemName, function(item) {
                if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
                    return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError);

                if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(item).length > 0) {
                    return resolve(item);
                reject(new Error("empty item"));

    readLocalStorageObj("prefs").then(function(item) {
        console.log('success', item);
    }, function(e) {
        console.log('fail', e);
    }).error(function(e) {
        console.log('error', e);
    }).catch(ChromeRuntimeError, function(e) {
        console.log('catch', e);
    }).finally(function(a) {
        console.log('finally', a);

However if you need to use promises with extension callback conventions a lot this will result in a lot of boilerplate.

To avoid boilerplate, you can define a generic promisification function for this convention:

function promisfyChrome(fn, ctx) {
    return function() {
        var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
        var self = ctx || this;
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            args.push(function(value) {
                if (chrome.runtime.lastError)
                    return reject(chrome.runtime.lastError);
            fn.apply(self, args);


function(Promise) {
    var chromeLocalStorageGet = promisifyChrome(chrome.storage.local.get, chrome.storage.local);
    function readLocalStorageObj(itemName) {
        return chromeLocalStorageGet(itemName).then(function(item) {
            if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(item).length > 0) {
                return item;
            throw new Error("empty item");

    readLocalStorageObj("prefs").then(function(item) {
        console.log('success', item);
    }, function(e) {
        console.log('fail', e);
    }).error(function(e) {
        console.log('error', e);
    }).catch(ChromeRuntimeError, function(e) {
        console.log('catch', e);
    }).finally(function(a) {
        console.log('finally', a);


    readLocalStorageObj("prefs").then(function(item) {
        console.log('success', item);
    }, function(e) {
        console.log('fail', e);
    }).error(function(e) {
        console.log('error', e);
    }).catch(ChromeRuntimeError, function(e) {
        console.log('catch', e);
    }).finally(function(a) {
        console.log('finally', a);

Is in this case equivalent to:

    readLocalStorageObj("prefs").then(function(item) {
        console.log('success', item);
    }).catch(Error, function(e) {
        console.log('fail', e);
    }).error(function(e) {
        console.log('error', e);
    }).catch(ChromeRuntimeError, function(e) {
        console.log('catch', e);
    }).finally(function(a) {
        console.log('finally', a);

As you can see the first catch already catches any kind of error so the other catches are never triggered. You will want to do it in the opposite way - more specific catch handlers first and more general ones last.

Also, using .then with 2 functions is really hard to read so it's not recommended. Prefer .then(fn).catch(fn2) over .then(fn, fn2)

于 2014-03-20T17:14:07.707 回答