我想在包'party'中获取R代码的一部分,它创建一个条件推理树。即,指定使用引导样本逐步生长树的方法的代码部分。我检查了函数“ctree”,但它的结构似乎很复杂。甚至我也没有发现诸如示例(所有功能中的 mtry 功能)之类的迹象。有谁知道在哪里可以找到它?或者如何找到它的方法?


1 回答 1



    The tree growing recursion
    *\file TreeGrow.c
    *\author $Author: hothorn $
    *\date $Date: 2009-06-16 09:17:31 +0200 (Tue, 16 Jun 2009) $

#include "party.h"

    The main tree growing function, handles the recursion. \n
    *\param node  a list representing the current node
    *\param learnsample an object of class `LearningSample'
    *\param fitmem an object of class `TreeFitMemory'
    *\param controls an object of class `TreeControl'
    *\param where a pointer to an integer vector of n-elements
    *\param nodenum a pointer to a integer vector of length 1
    *\param depth an integer giving the depth of the current node

void C_TreeGrow(SEXP node, SEXP learnsample, SEXP fitmem,
                SEXP controls, int *where, int *nodenum, int depth) {

    SEXP weights;
    int nobs, i, stop;
    double *dweights;

    weights = S3get_nodeweights(node);

    /* stop if either stumps have been requested or
       the maximum depth is exceeded */
    stop = (nodenum[0] == 2 || nodenum[0] == 3) &&
    stop = stop || !check_depth(get_tgctrl(controls), depth);

    if (stop)
        C_Node(node, learnsample, weights, fitmem, controls, 1, depth);
        C_Node(node, learnsample, weights, fitmem, controls, 0, depth);

    S3set_nodeID(node, nodenum[0]);

    if (!S3get_nodeterminal(node)) {

        C_splitnode(node, learnsample, controls);

        /* determine surrogate splits and split missing values */
        if (get_maxsurrogate(get_splitctrl(controls)) > 0) {
            C_surrogates(node, learnsample, weights, controls, fitmem);
            C_splitsurrogate(node, learnsample);

        nodenum[0] += 1;
        C_TreeGrow(S3get_leftnode(node), learnsample, fitmem,
                   controls, where, nodenum, depth + 1);

        nodenum[0] += 1;
        C_TreeGrow(S3get_rightnode(node), learnsample, fitmem,
                   controls, where, nodenum, depth + 1);

    } else {
        dweights = REAL(weights);
        nobs = get_nobs(learnsample);
        for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++)
            if (dweights[i] > 0) where[i] = nodenum[0];

    R-interface to C_TreeGrow\n
    *\param learnsample an object of class `LearningSample'
    *\param weights a vector of case weights
    *\param fitmem an object of class `TreeFitMemory'
    *\param controls an object of class `TreeControl'
    *\param where a vector of node indices for each observation

SEXP R_TreeGrow(SEXP learnsample, SEXP weights, SEXP fitmem, SEXP controls, SEXP where) {

     SEXP ans, nweights;
     double *dnweights, *dweights;
     int nobs, i, nodenum = 1;


     nobs = get_nobs(learnsample);
     PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, NODE_LENGTH));
     C_init_node(ans, nobs, get_ninputs(learnsample), get_maxsurrogate(get_splitctrl(controls)),
                 ncol(get_predict_trafo(GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym))));

     nweights = S3get_nodeweights(ans);
     dnweights = REAL(nweights);
     dweights = REAL(weights);
     for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) dnweights[i] = dweights[i];

     C_TreeGrow(ans, learnsample, fitmem, controls, INTEGER(where), &nodenum, 1);


于 2014-03-20T19:43:32.050 回答