I'm trying to write a custom wrapper in PHP using the Stream Wrapper class. What I have now is pretty much simple and straight forward.

class Stream
    public $resource;

    public static function wrap()
        stream_wrapper_register(self::PROTOCOL, __CLASS__);

    public static function unwrap ( )

    public function stream_open ( $path, $mode, $options, &$openedPath )

        // Open memory
        $this->resource = fopen('php://memory', 'rb+');
        $code = file_get_contents ( $path );

        // Write code to memory
        fwrite($this->resource, $code);


        return $this->resource !== false;

    // Left out the other methods that the stream wrapper needs 
    // to keep this example simple
    // ...

In the beginning of my code I open the stream by calling: Stream::wrap().

Then it basically reads any file that is require'ed or include'ed throughout my application. The code is then put into php://memory and that's it. Nothing special yet.

Bottom line is, is that this piece of code should work. But it throws an Internal Server Error when I try to run my application. I have a Linux hosting provider (PHP 5.4.21) where my code is currently hosted.

But when I move my code from my current hoster to some other Linux hosting company (PHP 5.5.x), then everything works fine.

When I even move the code to my local computer (PHP 5.4.6) and run it, then everything works fine as well.

So obviously the problem lies at the hosting company that I currently have. I know I have to mail them. But I have no clue what is causing the problem exactly. It would be good if I could at least point them in a certain direction. All I have now is

my code isn't working on your servers which is working fine on some other server

I'm afraind that that isn't enough information for them.

I have checked the php://memory limit which is set to 256M. That should be more than enough. So I have no clue what else to look for. The Apache log didn't had any information either.

So I was hoping anyone here had an idea of what could be causing this problem. Perhaps some permission issue somewhere or something?


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