我正在尝试使用带有 ATmega32U4 的 Serial.write(buff,len) (通过 USB 虚拟串行端口)发送一堆数据。我最初使用 LUFA 编写了我的应用程序,并且效果很好。但是,我现在将它移植到 Arduino 并且它正在丢弃数据。


void uartTask() {
  static unsigned long timer = 0;
  if (Serial) { // does the data have somewhere to go?
    uint16_t ct = RingBuffer_GetCount(&serialBuffer);
    unsigned long curTime = millis();
    if (ct > 64 || (timer-curTime > 100)) { // is there data to send?
      timer = curTime;
      if (serialBuffer.Out + ct <= serialBuffer.End) { // does it loop in our buffer?
        ct = Serial.write(serialBuffer.Out, ct); // dump all the date
        serialBuffer.Out += ct;
        if (serialBuffer.Out == serialBuffer.End)
          serialBuffer.Out = serialBuffer.Start; // loop the buffer
      else { // it looped the ring buffer
        uint8_t* loopend = serialBuffer.Out + ct;
        uint16_t ct2 = loopend - serialBuffer.End;
        uint16_t ct1 = ct - ct2;
        uint16_t ct1s = Serial.write(serialBuffer.Out, ct1); // dump first block
        if (ct1s == ct1) {
          ct2 = Serial.write(serialBuffer.Start, ct2); // dump second block
          serialBuffer.Out = serialBuffer.Start + ct2; // update the pointers
          ct = ct1+ct2;
        else {
          ct = ct1s;
          serialBuffer.Out += ct;

        uint_reg_t CurrentGlobalInt = GetGlobalInterruptMask();

        serialBuffer.Count -= ct; // update the count



    if (RingBuffer_GetCount(&serialBuffer) < 256) {
      SET(TX_BUSY, LOW); // re-enable the serial port

    int16_t w;
    while ((w = Serial.read()) >= 0) {

ISR(USART1_RX_vect) { // new serial data!
  RingBuffer_Insert(&serialBuffer, UDR1 ); // save it
  if (serialBuffer.Count > 1000) // are we almost out of space?
    SET(TX_BUSY, HIGH); // signal we can't take any more
  if (serialBuffer.Count > 1020) 
    serialRXDisable(); // if our flag is ignored disable the serial port so it doesn't clog things up

我在 LUFA 中使用了几乎相同的代码,它从不丢失数据。我在我的电脑上运行 Ubuntu。

这基本上只是一个 USB 到串行转换器。当串行数据到达时,它会触发将数据放入环形缓冲区的中断,该缓冲区稍后会被读取并通过 USB 发送。

我不明白为什么基于 LUFA 的代码可以工作,但 Arduino 却不行。我认为检查 Serial.write() 的返回值会让你知道你的数据是否没有成功。



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